Article best acne treatment

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Copyright 2006 Tony Buel

The thought of dating is hard enough for the self-conscious teenager. And now - it couldn't have happened at a worse time - Acne!

Acne is the most common concern of almost all teens all over the world. Nearly every otherwise healthy teenager suffers from acne and all of them detest it. In some
the disgust is so strong as to border on the obsessive. And in still others
unresolved acne problems could very well result in low self esteem and consequent depression. But the good news is that almost all acne is a normal and natural process of growing up. With or without the use of acne treatments
all acne will eventually disappear as the teenagers move on to adolescence and beyond. But almost everyone is eternally on the quest to identify and secure the ultimate acne treatment.

In order to determine the ideal acne treatment
it is essential to understand what causes acne in the first place. Acne is usually caused
not as most people believe due to poor hygiene
but due to hormonal changes in the human body. Some people secrete excessive oil due to the hormonal changes brought on by puberty and this traps dirt and moisture
resulting in blackheads and acne. In some others
acne is brought on by infection or by the blockage of the pores. Still others may have acne as a result of poor diet. But acne treatment is available for all kinds of acne. It would however always be a good idea to consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of acne before trying to go in for self treatment.

There is an unimaginable range of acne treatment available in the market. Just go to any pharmacy or drugstore and you will see shelves upon gleaming shelves of products offering acne treatment. Most of them are generalized acne treatment lotions that may or may not eradicate your problem. But in order to find the best acne treatment
suited to your specific acne
your doctor is the best advisor. Acne treatments differ for various acne. And unless you are able to pin down the cause
you may end up spending a fortune on acne treatments that don't ever seem to work. Some of the more common acne treatments include azelaic acid creams
benzoyl peroxide and Accutane. Other treatments include topical antibiotics and lotions. Still other treatments include glycolic and gluconic acids. But as mentioned earlier
each of these acne treatments works for a particular kind of acne. And the more severe the acne
the more strong the treatment.

The best advice anyone can give you regarding acne treatments is that time is the best healer. But for those who are unwilling to let time be the healer
the pharmacy is their playground. While common treatments could work wonders for some
others will have to go in for prescription drugs.

Know this
the key is to understand your particular case of acne. Only then can you begin to solve the problem. And you will be amazed how quickly you can solve your acne problem once you understand the source of your acne and implement the right strategy to attack it!
