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It's unbelievable ... What if I told you that most of the popular beliefs about acne
are in fact myths?

Let’s take a look at some popular beliefs about acne to dispel any other rumors ...

Myth #1: Is it true that increased stress spreads acne?

Not exactly. What is true is that ultimately stress can have a very minimal or minor influence all by itself. It cannot actually cause acne
but it can influence reoccurrences of acne as stress increases the body’s creation of a substance called cortisol that in turn causes your sebaceous glands to produce increased amounts of sebum oil that can be blocked in pores. Note
that some medications people take when trying to deal with or treat stress can have a large influence on acne as the result of medication side effects.

Myth #2: Acne is contagious
true or false?

Not! No one can "catch" acne; it is non-communicable.

Myth #3:You’ll outgrow acne
so just leave it alone - myth or truth?

This is false. Acne strikes all ages and is treatable
but shouldn’t be left alone to possibly worsen.

Myth #4: Being out in the sun helps acne

In the long run
no. The sun may appear to help clear up your blemishes and redden your skin
thus lessening the overall reddish effect of the targeted acne area when it was outstanding. However
rays from the sun can cause skin damage and actually irritate skin more
worsening any existing acne problems in the process and clogging more pores as skin cells dry up and slough off quicker than normal. So use caution (and sunscreen) here!

Myth #5: Sweating helps clean out your hair follicle areas
myth or reality?

Another myth. In reality
strenuous activity can temporarily increase your body’s oil production that can actually worsen acne problem areas
causing recurrence or intensification.

Myth #6: Acne problems are directly proportionate to sexual activity
or lack thereof; true or false?

another myth. Just because teenagers are going through hormonal changes
does not mean that this has anything to do with acne. Both are separate issues. Same with adult acne and sex; two entirely different issues.

Myth #7: People with acne are dirty and don’t wash enough.

Not! This is another myth. Acne is the result of a build up of oil
dead skin cells and bacteria in a closed pore. Period. Dirt is not even a factor in the equation.

Myth #8: Acne is only on external issue or surface deep; i.e. people shouldn’t make such a big thing out of it
myth or reality?

Myth. In reality
it basically is only on your skin (and underneath the surface a little bit). However
the effects run much more deeper than that in many instances. More than 50 percent of those suffering acne problems reported negative comments and other feedback from members of society
regardless of whether or not there was any scarring left for others to see afterwards. And resulting internal depression and low self-esteem can be harmful emotionally not only short-term but over a person’s lifetime. So acne can indeed be a very big issue requiring healthcare treatment and support.

Myth #9: OK
myth or reality: there is a cure for acne?

Myth. Although there is no cure at this time
there are many treatments available that do a great job. As the saying goes
Prevention is the best medicine;
there is no need to suffer in silence with all the options available on the market today for all price ranges.

So there you have it ... now that you are armed with this information you can do something to treat your acne condition. Why not visit Emily Clark's website at now to get more helpful information and subscribe to her free newsletter.
