Article best acne treatment

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Over the Counter Drugs
Q: I've tried a million over the counter products for acne and they work for a while and then they stop. I've tried oil-free cleansers
and makeup - all of which claim they help acne-prone skin. But they're not; what am I doing wrong?

A: You're not doing anything wrong except wasting your money. The products you're buying don't work. Even though they are labeled oil-free
they really aren't oil-free. All products with the exception of water
are oil-based. Just like in the foods you eat
there are good oils and bad oils. The products that you have been using are full of bad oils and are producing new acne
not helping it. Over the counter eye shadows and lipsticks are fine
but when it comes to make-up and cleansers
the stuff you've been buying just isn't helping.

Q: What about all the acne soaps and astringents I use? I wash and scrub my face constantly
but I still break out. Why?

A: You can scrub all you want but it won't make a difference. Acne forms inside your hair follicles which are below the surface. The same thing goes for drying-out your skin with alcohol or astringents. All this does is clean the top layer of your skin
but it doesn't go inside the clogged hair follicles to clean them out. It's important to realize that your pimples are forming beneath the top layers of your skin and that over the counter products can't help you there. The Acne Treatment Clinic offers topical medications which go deep into the clogged hair follicles to clean them out and prevent new pimples from forming. Whether you suffer from severe acne or occasional breakouts
our products work quickly giving you positive results.

Q: I've tried just about everything for my skin. What do you put in your products that make
them so different?

A: It's not what we put in them
it's what we don't put in them. Our products are formulated without adding oils to interfere with their effectiveness. The Acne Treatment Clinic has a safe
and inexpensive skin care program that works. There are no side-effects
no sun-sensitivity
no pills
and no gimmicks.

Q: I'm very skeptical about new products
especially since everything I've used up till now hasn't worked. What is your success rate? How long have you been in business and most of all
do you have any idea how I feel!?

A: I know these products work because I suffered from acne for 25 years. It destroyed my self-confidence
made me feel unattractive and was just plain ruining my life! After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley
I did some research
hired a chemist
and opened the Acne Treatment Clinic. We have been in Northern California for over ten years and have successfully treated over 5
men and women of all ages. When many of our graduating high school seniors went off to college
we started sending their products to them by mail. Word spread on campuses all across the state and country and soon we opened our mail order division. Now with the Internet
we are able to send our products all over the world. I must have the most rewarding job in the world
because I know exactly how it feels to have acne and know exactly how great it is to clear it up!

Q: Do all your clients use the same products?

A: No. Everyone's skin is different. That's why the Acne Treatment Clinic offers a variety of products
all formulated for specific skin types and problems. Many factors determine your treatment which is customized for you. That's why we ask you to please fill out the questionnaire on the How to Order page so we can personally help you.

Q: Are chocolate and greasy foods really bad for my skin?

A: No! How could anyone live without chocolate or French fries?

Q: Is there a connection between what I eat and my acne?

A: Yes
it helps to eat a well balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals with plenty of water. This is paramount to having a healthy body and a good complexion. Splurging on bad food once in awhile is no big thing
as long as you eat well most of the time. However
some people have that backwards. The stress you put on your body if you mistreat it by not eating right
doing drugs
over-doing the alcohol or caffeine is enough to aggravate even the most mild acne case.

Prescription Drugs
Q: Why don't antibiotics work for acne?

A: Antibiotics work for getting rid of an infection
like strep throat. When it comes to treating acne
all topical and oral drugs are doing is temporarily killing the bacteria
which eventually become resistant to the antibiotic. A common practice is to prescribe the topical ointment
Retin-Aฎ in conjunction with antibiotics. Unfortunately
many people experience redness and irritation which actually cause more pimples and blackheads to form. Because Retin-Aฎ and antibiotics make your skin very sun-sensitive they are not practical for many acne sufferers. Another drug often prescribed for acne is Accutaneฎ. This is just a temporary solution to your acne
but it's not a long term and safe alternative to controlling your breakouts. And if not helping acne isn't enough
some antibiotics also reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Check with your doctor.

Q: What should I expect to see after using your products for a couple of months?

A:You will definitely look better. Your pimples will be smaller
go away faster
and you should have fewer of them. Our products will prevent new pimples from forming and will reduce the swelling and irritation on your skin from your breakouts. We stand behind our products
and if for any reason you are not happy with them we will refund your money. They get to the root of the problem and work. At the Acne Treatment Clinic our products are specially formulated for problem skin. That's all we do - is treat your type of skin. We are specialists in acne and only acne.

Q: If the sun is so damaging to my skin
then why does it seem to clear up my acne?

A: It's not helping clear up your acne at all. The "tan" look is just a temporary coloring that appears to hide your pimples. But when the tan goes away
the zits stay. Worse yet
the sun tans your scars darker and sets you up for a whole new crop of pimples! Sun damages your skin and that's all there is to it.
you might look better and feel better with a tan
but what you're doing is creating new pimples for three or four months down the road - that's how long it takes for a pimple to form. It's not a fluke that your skin looks worse in October when your summer time tan catches up with you. That's why it is important to wear one of our specially formulated sunscreens to help prevent future breakouts.

Q: I try to remember and wear sunscreen
but every time I wear it my skin breaks out worse. What's the story?

A: Good sunscreen is good
but bad sunscreen is bad. If you're wearing acne aggravating sunscreen
then you're not helping the situation. Most of the over the counter sunscreens you've probably been using are loaded with oils which clog your skin. This produces acne. The Acne Treatment Clinic only has non-acne aggravating sunscreens
that not only protect your skin from harmful UV rays
but don't cause acne.
Remember that a sunscreen is JUST that: screen. You need to apply your sunscreen at least a half hour before sun exposure and re-apply it at least every two hours to receive the maximum protection. Also
it never hurts to wear a wide-brimmed hat or sit under a tree. Acne or not
the sun harms your skin.

Men Only
Q: I work out and sweat a lot. I always have pimples on my back but rarely on my face. How can I avoid them altogether?

A:Sweat aggravates acne
there are a few things you can do to minimize your breakouts. First of all
avoid sport drinks at all costs! Most sport drinks contain high amounts of iodine which has been shown to flare-up pimples when excreted through the skin in the form of sweat. Drinking lots of water during exercise helps minimize this problem. Wear clean
loose-fitting clothing during your workout because believe it or not
friction makes pimples bigger. Last
but not the least
you must try to shower at least 1/2 hour after exercise using one of our cleansers for acne prone areas.

Q: After working out and showering
it feels like the soap didn't cut the oil and sweat on my skin - especially on my back. Any suggestions?

A: The Acne Treatment Clinic's medicated cleansers are perfect for the job. They are adequate for both the face and body and thoroughly clean your skin without leaving behind any slimy residue. Best of all
they're not very expensive
last a long time
lather-up great
and really work.

Q:My skin seems to break out only where I shave.
and what can I do to stop this?

A: If you are using a double edged razor
then STOP! Double edged blades cut the hair beneath the surface and cause trauma and subsequent breakouts. Try using a single-edged razor and shave in the direction of your hair growth. Also
you need to stop using your current shaving cream because it's probably aggravating your skin. We've seen the best results when men switch to one of our foaming facial cleansers and use it as their shaving cream. Never put cologne or aftershave on areas where you frequently break out because these products contain oils which will aggravate your acne. It is also advisable to use topical medications on a daily basis to prevent future breakouts as well. The products we sell at the Acne Treatment Clinic can be worn during the day so you are treating your acne around the clock without anybody knowing it but you.

Q: I'm 34 years old
have 2 kids
dogs and 800 zits! I was always looking forward to trading in my pimples for wrinkles
but it's starting to look like I'll be stuck with both. Why?

A:Acne is a genetic skin problem and aging won't get you out of this one. While it's true that the older you get the flare-ups usually become less severe
they're still unwanted and often embarrassing. Most acne sufferers go between times of flare-ups and clear skin their whole lives. Fortunately
the Acne Treatment Clinic has a safe
long-term treatment for controlling your acne. Sorry
we can't do anything about controlling your kids!

Q: Can anyone tell when I'm wearing your products?

A:No. All our products
with the exception of the masks
are invisible on your skin. We don't expect you to stop your life so you can go home and treat your pimples.

Q: Why do I always break out about a week before my period? My pimples are large and hurt and seem to be located around my mouth and chin. Also
sometimes they pop up on my neck.

A: Hormones
hormones. It is very common to breakout along the lower half of your face and neck because of hormones. Regular periods and regular break-outs go hand in hand
if you're having irregular periods
the imbalance of hormones could make your skin worse. Also
where acne is concerned
some birth control pills are less acne aggravating than others. The good news is that you can effectively control most premenstrual breakouts using Acne Treatment Clinic products. Diligent use of the topical medications 30 days every month
insures your skin stays clear every day of the month -- even when you have your period.

Stress and Emotions
Q: When I'm stressed or burned out
my acne gets worse.
What does one thing have to do with the other?

A: Whether it's from relationship problems
an unbalanced diet
lack of sleep
your job
or school pressures
stress aggravates acne. You may be able to control some stress
but unfortunately stress is a part of life. That's why it's important to have a skin care program that's easy to use and helps to fight off stress-induced pimples.
Acne Treatment Clinic products are specially formulated to prevent pimples. So whether you're stressed out or not
you are able to successfully control breakouts using our daily treatment plan.
Sleeping 8 hours a night
eating a well balanced diet
regular exercise and drinking plenty of water can immediately help reduce your stress level.
Getting close is simply out of the question when you feel bad about your skin.
We've all been there - we're too embarrassed by our skin to want to leave the house - let alone have someone touch it. Now there is a way to control your breakouts so your breakouts don't control you. The Acne Treatment Clinic was founded to help you get your confidence and your life back.
Nobody should feel bad about their skin and we are here to help you
regardless of your age
or national origin. We offer a safe
long term solution for controlling your breakouts. And because we know the emotional roller coaster you've been on for years trying to find a solution
our products are fully guaranteed. For over 15 years we have successfully treated thousands and thousands of acne sufferers just like you.
