Article best acne treatment

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You may decide that your acne problem is serious and wish to consult a dermatologist. Before visiting a dermatologist for the first time
it is good to know what to expect especially in the type of acne medication that he or she is likely to prescribe.

While seeking treatment
your dermatologist may prescribe you with more than one type of acne medication. This can be normal as acne is usually assessed on a-case-by-case basis. Therefore
acne medications that work for another does not necessarily imply that it will also work for you. Depending on the seriousness of your acne problem
your dermatologist may be prescribing you with a topical acne medication and/or a systematic approach to reduce the cases of flare-ups and inflammations.

A topical acne medication treatment is one that is applied on the skin surface. It can come in different forms; for example
soaps and creams. Benzoyl peroxide is a common ingredient in the majority of acne medications as it helps in slowing down the activities of the oil glands in producing skin oil called "sebum". However
continued use of this acne medication may cause the skin to dry and crack up plus a possible irritation and burning sensation may be felt. But this can be resolved pretty easily through minimizing the level of usage of benzoyl peroxide.

It is important that this product is used over the infected area
not just directly to one or two individual pimples. Smearing and flaking are likely to carry the infection to other parts of the skin
like the back
shoulders and neck. So you have to be careful
when you apply this product.

Retin A
a derivative of Vitamin A is not a topical acne medication but it is noted to show great effects on the growth of acne. It works by drying the skin thus preventing new pimples form developing. However
it is suggested that if you should use this
you must at all times
stay away from the sun as this may only aggravate the skin condition.

systematic acne medication is one that is taken internally to combat acne. It usually comes in the form of antibiotics. The type of antibiotic that you may use will depend largely on the severity of the case and your skin type. At times
you may be prescribed to use small amounts of antibiotic contents like that in Bacitracyn and many over the counter acne medications.

On the average
these acne medications may take six to eight weeks before significant developments take effect.

In certain cases
your dermatologist may prescribe you with hormonal acne medication reatment. The principle in most hormonal treatments is to control the release of hormones such as androgens and testosterone. This happens when the dermatologist decides that hormone imbalances is the cause of your acne.

Of course
it is always best to get a professional and qualified skin specialist or dermatologist for a proper diagnosis. Choose one that comes highly recommended by your friends and relatives. Spend time to search for a good dermatologist.
