Article best acne treatment

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In the hopes that you may have read the first installation of this series on acne treatment using drug free methods
I will now proceed to give you a suggested diet menu-plan to adhere to for an internal acne remedy program.

This diet is based on the fact that the human body goes through a cleansing process from twelve midnight until twelve noon
and a building program from twelve noon to twelve midnight. Therefore
what is eaten during these respective periods must be harmonious with the natural processes.

Following this dietetic suggestion will not only lend to a successful acne treatment process internally
but will also lead to an improvement in your overall health and fitness levels.

Acne Remedy: Suggested Diet Menu Plan


A choice of the following

1. A tall glass of Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice.

2. A tall glass of Fresh squeezed lemonade flavored with genuine maple
Syrup (the darker the grade the better)


A mono-meal of an organic fruit in season for example Apples in the fall and winter
Melons in the summer
Berries in spring.


home-made salads. A simple dressing could be

(a) Lemon juice
olive oil and un-iodized sea-salt

(b) Avocadoes or Green coconuts blended with tomatoes and some sea salt


Raw and/or cooked root vegetables such as Celery
raw or slightly heated fruit veggies (these can be blended into Soups or dressings for your salads)

This format adheres to a scientifically proven principle that the human body goes through a cleansing process from twelve midnight until twelve noon
and a building program from twelve noon to twelve midnight
therefore your meals during these respective periods should be harmonious with the natural processes.

To augment this simple dietetic change and to target the root cause of your acne
I will recommend what according to Philippus Paracelsus is “The greatest remedy-the physician within.”
that my friend is a Fast. Believe me
when I say this simple sacrifice was what sped up the success of my acne treatment in about 3 days…literally! It is not an error to say that it is a “cure-all” for every disease known to man-when practiced properly.

Being radical in nature
there are several sources of information on the how’s
the types and definitions applicable to fasting on the internet and based on my experience
I have made a specific chapter for fasting in my e-book-although you can always type up Fasting or Juice Fasting in your favorite search engine for your edification on the subject.

One more factor that I must add is BY ALL MEANS AVOID THE MICROWAVE.

I learned this the hard-but thankfully-important way while engaging in a 2-week fast for spiritual reasons. I was using this device to heat up my water for the laxative tea that the fast involves and each time I consumed the tea
I immediately felt very weak and lethargic. “Perhaps I’m detoxifying” I thought
WRONG! Not only was I extremely weak
the bumps that had since left me came right back and during this specific fasting period.

my intuition was still intact so I analyzed everything I was consuming
gauged my previous experiences with fasting to this period and came to the conclusion that it had to be the use of a microwave
since it was the only different procedure I had included. That said
I used an electric stove instead and in less than 48 hours
the bumps were gone-never to return-and the expected strength that comes as an added benefit of fasting was now present. Microwave cooking is one of the most important causes of ill health so avoid this so called “convenience” device as well.

Now that the internal aspects of your acne remedy have been addressed
I will address the external methods of acne treatment in the next installment of this series. It’s the last one my friend
but it is an integral part of curing your acne naturally.
