Article best acne treatment

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A great deal of money is spent by people trying to find acne solutions that work. Unfortunately
many never find the right acne solution
and their acne either clears up on it's own
or they learn to live with it. You can
find an acne solution that will work for you
without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars looking for the cure
by following these simple steps.

1. Make sure that you are washing your face two or three times each day
with clean water and a pure soap
such as Ivory.

2. Try applying essential oils directly to the acne. Oils to try are Tea Tree Oil
Bergamot Oil
Clove Oil
Lavender Oil
and Rosewood Oil. If you have sensitive skin
you may need to dilute the oil with Grapeseed oil to avoid irritation. Apply the oil before going to bed
then wash it away
using pure soap and clean water
in the morning. Give it about a month to see if it is working. This is one of the least expensive acne solutions that has proven to be effective for many people.

3. If the essential oil doesn't work for you
try a good over the counter product
such as ProActiv. It is expensive
but you will spend less money using a product that has been proven to work
than you will buying creams and acne solutions that do not work. Bypass the junk
and go with what has a better chance of working.

4. If ProActiv doesn't work for you
visit an allergist to see if you have any food allergies. Often food allergies will cause acne
and the best acne solution in this case is to eliminate those foods from your diet completely. If a food allergy is causing the acne
not other acne solution should be needed.

5. If there are no food allergies
or eliminating foods did not work
it is time to see a dermatologist. The doctor may prescribe Accutane
which is also expensive. It is taken orally
and may cause side effects
but it has been proven to be quite beneficial in the treatment of acne.

6. If Accutane does not work
talk to your dermatologist about trying Retin-a. Retin-a is used to treat acne
acne scars
skin discolorations
and other scars and skin problems. It is very effective as an acne solution.

The key is to make sure that you give the acne treatments time to work. Give each step at least one month
and possibly more. Some acne treatments will actually make the acne appear to be worse before it starts clearing up. This is perfectly normal
and in most cases
even to be expected.

Don't waste money on cheap acne treatments that don't work. If it worked - it wouldn't be cheap. The cheapest acne solution that has been proven to work is essential oils. Everything that really works after that is expensive
but well worth the price.
read more “Acne Solutions”

Before you visit a dermatologist
there is much that you can do for your acne skin. Of course
remember that what works for someone else may not always work for you. Everyone's skin is different in the first place and the cause of acne may not also be the same.

You can always start off by using over the counter medications to treat your acne. If your skin is sensitive or prone to drying
use a mild cleanser or soap. You may have to experiment with different cleansers in order to find one that does not irritate or exacerbate your acne.

Wash your face once or twice daily but do not scrub or rub excessively. Avoid touching your face as your hands may have a lot of bacteria. Also if you find that a certain food may be contributing to your acne
stop consuming the food and see what happens.

When using make-up
read the labels and purchase products labeled non-acnegenic
and hypoallergenic. These products are formulated so as not to irritate even the most sensitive skin. Avoid sharing make-up with others
and always use clean washcloths
and make-up sponges or other instruments to avoid transferring germs to your face.

If you're interested in creating acne skin treatment from kitchen ingredients
you are not alone. Many recipes have been in use for many years. Again
everyone reacts differently to the same treatment
but these home remedies are useful for those who are suffering from mild acne. The following are three recipes that you can easily follow.

Baking soda scrub: Making a baking soda scrub is easy to use
and many have reported successful results from its use. This scrub is designed to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation is key in treating acne; since it focuses on removing dead skin cells that can get trapped in your pores and then manifest themselves as acne. First
mix a small amount of baking soda (a teaspoon will probably be enough) with water to create a consistent paste. Very gently
massage the baking soda scrub onto your skin. Leave it on for approximately one minute
then rinse clean with lukewarm review. Use a clean towel to pat your face dry.

Another popular home treatment uses apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has long been lauded for its health benefits
including acne. Some claim that apple cider vinegar has the ability to rid your skin of bacteria
balance your skin's pH level
and keep your face fresh and free of excessive oil. Apple cider vinegar is also high in citric acid
which is a strong exfoliating ingredient that can help remove excess dead skin cells and improve your skin's overall texture and tone. To use
simply dilute the apple cider vinegar
one part vinegar to eight parts water. If possible
use high quality apple cider vinegar and purified water. To use
wet a cotton ball with your apple cider vinegar mix and gently moisten your skin. Don't overdo it. Apple cider vinegar is strong stuff that can dry out your skin
resulting in even more breakouts.

Egg whites
rich in protein and vitamins
have also been a favorite healing ingredient. Egg whites have long been used to help tone and tighten skin. Simply beat two egg whites together to a consistent froth. Apply the mixture to your face and let sit for about fifteen minutes. Rinse the egg off with lukewarm water.

Of course
it is always best to treat your acne while it is still mild. Still
if your efforts to clear up your skin using over the counter medications do not seem to work and your acne is getting out of control
make an appointment to visit a dermatologist. Your dermatologist is likely to prescribe you with anti-acne oral or topical agents.
read more “Acne Skin Treatments”

Acne is a frustrating problems at all ages
affecting a large number of individuals. People with acne should take special care for their skin. In many situations
a gentle acne skin treatment is enough to get rid of this annoying problem. A proper everyday care when your acne is still light or moderate can give you the healthy skin you want and prevent severe acne from developing. All you have to do is follow a few guidelines in your daily skin care process.

Gently Wash Skin

Washing your skin is the most important part of an acne skin treatment. Wash your skin twice a day with a mild cleanser
once in the morning and once in the evening. You should also wash your skin after heavy exercise
when you've been sweating a lot. Some people try to cure their acne and reduce oil production using aggressive detergent soaps and scrub pads. However
instead of improving the situation
scrubbing your skin will only make things worse.

You can ask a dermatologist for advice on the type of cleanser your should use. Thoroughly rinse your skin after you wash it. Astringents are only recommended if your skin is very oily
and only on oil spots. Doctors also advise patients to shampoo their hair on a regular basis. People with oily hair should shampoo it daily.

Acne and Shaving

Guys who have or have had acne in the past should shave carefully. Test both electric and safety razors to decide which is more comfortable for you. If you decide on a safety razor
always use a sharp blade. Soften your beard with soap and water before applying the shaving cream. You can avoid nicking blemishes by shaving lightly and not more often than necessary.

Avoid Handling Your Skin Frequently

Avoiding aggressive behavior upon your skin is also an important part of the acne skin treatment. If you try to squeeze or pop your pimples
you risk forming unsightly scars. You should even avoid touching or rubbing your acne lesions. Do not try to pop your pimples either
because you might get scars or spread acne.

Avoid Excessive Exposure to Sunlight

Some of the medications that are used to treat acne can make you more likely to sunburn. Even though a red or tanned skin may make lesions less visible
these are only temporary improvements. Long-term effects are generally negative. Excessive sun exposure involves many risks
such as faster skin aging and developing skin cancer.


The makeup you choose to use is also a part of the overall acne skin treatment. While you are being treated for acne
you might need to change some of the makeup products you are using. Use only oil-free cosmetics. Read the label if you are not sure. During the first couple of treatments
it might be difficult to apply foundation.

You should also avoid oily hair products
that may cause closed comedones on the forehead. Use only cosmetics that are labeled as non-comedogenic. Even those can cause acne in some people
so you should be very careful.
read more “Acne Skin Treatment - 5 Crucial Tips”

Your skin is an organ with a very complex structure
serving as an important factor in the metabolic process and playing an important role in protecting your organism. The skin protects your body against external factors that could harm internal tissues. Since your skin does so much for you
you should care for it properly in return.

Skin Care

Everyone wants a healthy
clean and smooth skins
without any lesions or scars. The only way you can achieve a perfect skin is by taking good care of it. You shouldn't waste your time looking for miraculous treatments that will cure your acne overnight. The only way to achieve and maintain a healthy skin is by following three basic steps:

* Always go for the best acne skin care treatment product

* Plan a schedule to apply the product on your skin

* Protect your skin from external factors
such as aggressive sunlight or other whether related factors and food allergies

The amount of time you spend caring for your skin while you are young determines the way your skin will look when you get older.

How To Choose An Acne Skin Care Treatment Product

There's a wide range of acne skin care treatment products available on the market. Some can prove very efficient
while others are a waste of money. However
different treatments work for different people. The first thing to consider when purchasing an acne skin care treatment product is what type of skin you have. Most people have a dry
oily or combined skin. There are very few persons with a normal skin. Determining your skin type is the first step. There are a lot of products available for all types of skin.

Acne is often a result of the sebum that causes your pores to clog. This is why you need to use a cleansing milk at least once a day to wash your face with. There are various cleanser available for different types of skin.

Acne Skin Care Rules

* Take at least 20 minutes a day
either in the daytime or in the evening
to care for your skin

* Start treating acne when it's still a minor problem

* Use only non-comedogenic cosmetics

* Never try to squeeze at your pimples

* Avoid excessive sun exposure

* Keep your skin clean

* Wash your skin if you've been sweating

The only way to achieve the healthy and smooth skin you want
you have to spend quality time caring for your skin and use the best acne skin care treatment products. Acne appears generally during puberty
but it can prolong further even after you reach adulthood. Initially
acne lesions are very small
but if you don't do anything about them
they can grow into deep cysts. Severe acne is much more difficult and painful to fight against.
read more “Acne Skin Care Treatment Product Information”

It is a well-known fact that most acne sufferers do not seek the professional advice of a qualified doctor to treat their acne condition. The idea here is to consult a skin specialist
also known as a dermatologist
who can give you valuable information
advice and tips on how to treat your acne.

If your acne condition is only moderate and not serious
then you can go for the over-the-counter type of medications. But please do seek the help of a dermatologist if your acne has reached a severe state
where he will recommend some prescription medications. However
it is still advisable to go for the prescription method even if your acne is mild
because the prescription method tends to be much more effective than what over-the-counter method can offer.

There are basically two types of prescription acne skin care treatments
namely antibiotics and ointments. Antibiotics are the common agent used to combat acne
and they can be used as a type of lotion
or taken orally. Ointment prescriptions include ingredients such as zinc or retinoid.


Tetracycline is the most common antibiotic used to treat your acne condition. What the tetracycline does is kill the bacteria which causes the acne
and it also helps to reduce any inflammation which may result from the acne. One thing you should know about antibiotic treatment is that it may take up to a few weeks or even months to see the effect. Not only that
you must continue the antibiotic treatment even after your acne has subsided.

Just like any other medications out there
the tetracycline antibiotic does have side effects. It will increase your skin’s overall sensitivity to sun light
which will lead to severe sun burns if you stay under the sun for a prolonged period. Other possible side effects include dizziness and stomach upset.


Antibiotic ointments generally have lesser complications as compared to oral antibiotics. They are highly useful when it comes to killing the bacteria which caused your acne. When the ointments are used in conjunction with other treatments like benzoyl peroxide
the bacteria may not develop resistance to the antibiotics.


Derived from vitamin A
retinoid can be applied directly onto the skin in the form of creams or lotions. Retinoid medications are particularly useful for treating blackheads and whiteheads by opening up clogged pores. The one common side effect of retinoid is that you will experience dry skin.

If your acne condition is so severe that it doesn’t respond to either antibiotics or ointments
then oral retinoid can be your next option. What an oral retinoid does is to cause the upper most layer of your skin to peel off
and in the process opens up more pores. Oral retinoid can also restrict the body from producing excess sebum
the oily substance which is responsible for your oily skin.

Oral retinoids must be used with caution
because there are known serious side effects and complications that comes with this type of retinoid. They can cause birth defects if a woman takes them during pregnancy. Other complications include depression and liver damage. So if an acne sufferer is on oral retinoid treatment
then regular medical attention and follow-up is required to make sure that the side effects and complications are reduced to the minimum.

If you are not sure of the reliability of over-the-counter medications
then always seek the advice of your dermatologist who can give you reliable prescription medication
and other advice for the most effective acne skin care treatment for your particular condition.

Feel free to visit my blog at
where I will share more useful information on various acne skin care treatments.
read more “Acne Skin Care Treatment Prescription Method”

Are you an acne sufferer? You may be thinking about the many convenient over-the-counter methods for treating your acne. You are not alone. As a go-to solution
most people who are acne sufferers will just go to their local pharmacy and buy medication over-the-counter
based on whatever knowledge or information that they get. It could be recommendations from family members and friends
it could be that impressive sales copy from a magazine
it could be that television ad.

it is highly advisable to seek consultation with a qualified doctor before you get your hands on any kind of over-the-counter products. The doctor is able to give you his professional opinion on the best and most suitable course of acne skin care treatment for your case.

You can find large numbers of acne skin care treatment products hitting the shelves regularly
and so deciding on which is the best product can be a daunting task. You may be influenced by your friends. But what worked for your friends
may not necessarily work well on you. Your friends may have different levels of complexity of the acne condition
so it is really difficult to judge. The best way is to do your own research on the active ingredients in various acne skin care treatment medications. Here
I have outlined two of the most popular ingredients in acne treatments.

Benzoyl Peroxide

This is one of the most popular active ingredients in acne treatment medications. Found in ointments and gels
the benzoyl peroxide does it’s job by fighting the bacteria which causes your acne. Not only that
it will also remove dead skin cells that collect on the surface of your skin. What has it got to do with skin cell? Well
it is these dead skin cells which
when combined with sebum
create the unsightly blackheads
and pimples.

Benzoyl peroxide has so far been proven to be safe and effective. It can also be used as an after-care solution to keep your skin free from the bacteria that causes acne. But like all the other ingredients out there
benzoyl peroxide does have one side effect. Prolonged usage of this ingredient will lead to dry skin. However
this can be prevented by slowly decreasing the frequency of the benzoyl peroxide that is applied to your skin.

Salicylic Acid

Besides the benzoyl peroxide
salicylic acid is another popular ingredient used in acne treatment medications. What this acid does is to mainly clear up the dead skin cells which may accumulate too quickly
clogging up the pores as a result. The salicylic acid should continue to be used even after your skin is cleared of acne
to prevent any future outbreaks. Like benzoyl peroxide
the salicylic acid will cause you to have dry and irritated skin.

It is safe to say that the benzoyl peroxide is the most versatile among all the other ingredients for the battle against acne. It can be used in cleansing liquids
cream and gels which can be applied directly onto your skin. The creams and lotions can be applied onto the affected areas as and when required
while the cleansing medications are usually applied once or twice a day. Just a word of caution : avoid getting the benzoyl peroxide into contact with your eyes
mouth or nose
as it will cause inflammation and some irritation.

Feel free to visit my blog at
where I will share more useful information on various acne skin care treatments.
read more “Acne Skin Care Treatment Over-the-counter Treatments”

Some basic tips can help you to gain control over your acne.

Acne skin care is no easy thing. For most people it is very challenging. Sometimes
acne lasts only through puberty and once those crazy adolescent years have past
things just get easier. Your face clears up and you don’t really worry about acne. But
that does not mean it goes this well for everyone. For many
acne will last well into their 20’s
and even beyond. And
for that there is a need for acne skin care tips like these.

Tips You Can Use Now

1. Find an effective skin care regimen and cleanser. There are many out there that are both natural acne treatments and those that are chemical in nature. The fact is that in order for your skin to heal
the bacteria on it will need to be cleared up. You will need to insure that your acne products will do this.

2. Use exfoliating acne skin care products. By exfoliating
you are removing the dead skin cells on your skin that are literally feeding the bacteria on your face. As disgusting as it sounds
getting rid of them through exfoliation is critical to getting rid of the acne.

3. Use natural acne skin care products as well. These will be found on the web and can provide you with the most fundamentally solid way of treating acne in a natural way. Have an arsenal of good quality natural skin care products can give your body what it needs to fight off bacteria and to heal.

Getting Acne Skin Care Training

You may be thinking that acne skin care training sounds silly. The fact is that if you have the necessary knowledge to fight off your acne infections you will be more likely to make it work for you. So
before you head off to make a purchase of some costly acne medication
learn why they will work or maybe even why they may not. There are many out there that may be able to provide you with just what you need in acne skin care.
read more “Acne Skin Care Tips”

Acne can be a painful and embarrassing condition for a person to be afflicted with. Often
a person who has acne cannot control its occurrence. But
by following a few acne skin care practices
acne can be controlled and even gotten rid of.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that affects millions of individuals. The most universal type of acne is known as "common acne". Acne is caused when too many oils are secreted from the glands and those oils mix with dead skin cells
blocking the hair follicles. More oil secretions increase underneath the already blocked follicles (or pores)
and skin bacteria begin to grow rapidly. This leads to red and irritated skin that most often appears as bumps on the skin's surface. Any skin surface of the body is susceptible to acne
but it most commonly (and heavily) appears on the face
and upper arm region.

Acne commonly begins to occur during puberty due to an irregular response by the body to regular levels of testosterone
a male hormone. Often
acne begins to subside or disappear altogether by the mid 20's. However
some individuals do suffer with it throughout adulthood. And some adults do not even see the onset of acne until well into the adult years. This is known as adult onset acne.

Acne can leave scarring on the skin
as well as have a scarring effect on a person's self-esteem
and even lead to depression. Because society can be so unforgiving about appearances
there are various medically prescribed treatments available
as well as acne skin care regimens that can be utilized in order to minimize the symptoms of acne.

Different things cause acne for different sufferers. A few of the recognized causes of acne include heredity
hormonal activity (puberty
certain medications
and skin irritation. All of these things have the potential to cause acne
as well as exacerbate it. There are a few myths regarding acne. For instance we've all heard of a mom telling her child not to eat too many greasy foods like French fries
or eat too many sweets
because it will give him or her pimples. That is simply an old wives' tale. Diet does not cause acne
and does not affect it. Also
poor hygiene has no bearing on the occurrence of acne. Acne is not caused by dirt
and having poor hygiene habits will not aggravate the condition.

There are many treatments for acne available
both through prescription
and over the counter. There are antibiotics in the form of pills
as well as topical creams that are designed to treat the condition. Exfoliation can be used as a treatment to remove and prevent the build up of dead skin cells. And light therapy is being used more and more to treat acne. It is important to consult a dermatologist in order to determine the best course of treatment and learn the best regimen of acne skin care to carry out.

Dealing with the occurrence of acne requires knowing how to properly care for the skin. Acne skin care can help keep the problem from getting worse
and even alleviate it. It is important to gently wash the skin at least twice a day with a gentle skin cleanser. Do not scrub with a rough pad or use a rough soap. This will make the acne problem worse. And always completely rinse the skin after cleansing.

As part of an acne skin care routine
it is important to remember not to touch the afflicted skin areas. Do not try to squeeze acne. An infection could occur
compounding the problem
and scarring could result. Also
avoid the sun when possible. Wear protective clothing to avoid tanning or burning. The skin will age faster
and any fading effect of the acne is temporary and will become visible again when the burn or tan fades.

When using cosmetics
take care to use oil-free products
and products that are non-comedogenic (won't clog the pores). And for men who shave their faces
it is important to shave very carefully. Shave with a light hand to avoid cutting or nicking the blemishes. If these steps in acne skin care are taken
the pain and embarrassment of the problem can be alleviated
and over time
eliminated completely.
read more “Acne Skin Care Methods”

Many skin care centers focus on treating acne and keeping it under control. The focus of such establishments is not symptomatic treatment but overall control and prevention. This often includes stress management
lifestyle advice
and personal counseling.

While the modus operandi may vary from center to center
most of them provide certain standard services. For instance
almost all acne care centers advocate the use of retinoids (which are Vitamin A-based) to prevent abnormal skin cell proliferation. Others will employ the use of therapeutic light (or photodynamic) therapy. All of them will include hygiene and exercise in their program
and quite a few even offer acne surgery where extensive scarring has taken place. This last option is
of course
a highly specialized medical field and can therefore
if advocated
be seriously considered at a certified acne care center.

Medical experts at these centers will also emphasize proper liver function
dietary adjustments
soundness of the digestive system and overall internal health. Depending on the orientation of its treatment program
the center will employ either pharmacological
homeopathic or organic (natural) treatment modules or subtle combinations of all of them.

There are various center specializing in acne care and treatment in America including the American Dermatology Center
Perfect Skin Laser Center
and the Fayces Skin Care Center.

People who feel that their acne needs overall professional care should contact an acne care center.
read more “Acne Skin Care Centers”

When you have an acne outbreak
do you know how to take care of your skin? Unknowingly
many people tend to use acne skin care methods that aggravate their present condition further. Take for example the notion that a patient must seriously scrub his face to take away dirt. Is this the correct way for acne skin care? Not quite. Here's the scoop.

it is important to understand the cause of acne before knowing what acne skin care measures to use. Acne is neither a direct resul of dirt or uncleanness. However
your acne problems worsen when dirt mixes with sebum and other skin debris to create a mixture which may settle in the pus of the pustules.

Medically speaking
acne is caused by many internal body factors such as a weak immune and digestive system
impaired internal detoxification system
and stress. Outside influences like weather elements
humidity and the bacteria thriving on the human skin contribute to aggravate your acne. Ultimately
all these factors may not have effectively produced acne if it were not for the "P acnes"
which digest excess sebum. The effect results in inflammation
swelling and pain.

It is not easy to pin point the cause of acne on your own. It is best to solicit the help of a dermatologist to help you determine the cause of your acne and to recommend an appropriate acne treatment. Notwithstanding
there are a couple of tips on proper acne skin care that you should be aware of.

The first step to good acne skin care is to minimize the sebum production to a level to sustain normal skin. However
in most cases
to treat acne
more needs to be done.

If skin oiliness persist
it is best to keep the pores open. The principle behind this acne care is to release the clogs in the pores and wash them out. The only way to achieve this is to wash the face with extremely hot water. Repeat this procedure to help repel skin bacteria.

It is also recommended that you do not zealously wash your face with harsh scrubs or cleansers. By doing this
you may only aggravate the severity of your acne. Actually
washing your face gently two times a day is enough.

In terms of acne skin care products
choose the ones that work best best for you. Select the acne care product that gently clears away the oil and dirt without leaving your skin dry and irritated. In fact

mild acne care works best for all skin types. This will require some trials and consequently
some errors.

It is best to trust your dermatologist recommendation first. If his recommended product does not work
then shift to other acne skin care products. This way
you are experimenting with acne care products that may suit you best. It is important to note that during your first applications
use small amounts on a small area so that any damage is at best limited.

avoid alcohol-based cleansers as these may only dry out your skin. Dry skin is more vulnerable to serious acne outbreaks. On the other hand
minimize the use of oil-based products as these in themselves may add up to the pre-existing oil content of the skin. At any rate
an acne patient must avoid applying cosmetics
however oil-free they may appear to be.

Proper acne skin care methods can go a long way to help you in your acne problems. Good diet and lifestyle habits are other measures that you can also adopt for better glowing skin. Good luck!
read more “Acne Skin Care Basics”

People of all races and ages get acne. It is most common in adolescents and young adults. Around 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 develop the disorder. Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne
making it the most common skin disease.

For most people
acne tends to diminish by the time they reach their thirties; however
some people in their forties and fifties continue to have this skin problem.

I remember when I used to get acne myself. Was that annoying. And it sure ruined my social life
that's for sure. There is nothing more embarrasing than going out in public with acne all over your face. You know people are staring at you. You know they don’t want to get near you because of those ugly marks on your face. I think they think it’s contagious
which is not true at all. It’s a good way to lose friends quickly.

how did I get rid of my acne ? Well
before you can clear up your skin
you should know exactly who the enemy is and what you’re up against. Here’s a summary for you and some real honest to goodness solutions. It worked for me and it will work for you too.

What is Acne?

Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands)
which leads to plugged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly called pimples or zits. Acne lesions usually occur on the face
and shoulders.

Although heredity may be a cause of this problem
it is more associated with hormonal levels and how you care for your skin (e.g. rubbing your skin too much will cause it). Chocolate and greasy foods are often blamed
but foods seem to have little effect on the development and course of acne in most people. In addition
dirty skin does not cause acne and neither does stress.

How Is Acne Treated?

You can buy over the counter medicine (OTC)
see your family doctor
or a dermatologist (skin doctor).

Over-the-counter(OTC) Medicines

Benzoyl peroxide
salicylic acid
and sulfur are the most common topical OTC medicines used to treat acne. Topical OTC medications are available in many forms
such as gel
or pad.

Prescription Topical Medicines

Several types of prescription topical medicines include benzoyl peroxide
and azelaic acid.

Some people develop side effects from using prescription topical medicines including stinging
or discoloration of the skin.

Prescription Oral Medicines

Oral antibiotics are thought to help control acne by curbing the growth of bacteria and reducing inflammation. Examples are clindamycin
or isotretinoin. Some people experience side effects when taking these antibiotics
such as an increased tendency to sunburn
upset stomach
dizziness or lightheadedness
changes in skin color
and dry skin.

Other treatments

There are lazer treatments for rare serious cases and there are safe and natural herbal medications that work like over the counter medications
but often with less side effects.

How Should People With Acne Care for Their Skin?

* Clean Skin Gently with a mild cleanser 3 or 4 times a day.
* Avoid Frequent Handling of the Skin.
* Shave Carefully.
* Avoid a Sunburn or Suntan.
* Use Non-Oily Cosmetics.

In summary
there are many treatments out there for acne skin problems. Talk to your doctor if you’re unsure what to do. Try some of the suggestions mentioned here. In no time at all
you’ll look better
feel better
and you’ll be back out there enjoying your social life
your friends
and your family much more.
read more “Acne Skin Care - How To Clear Up Those Embarrasing Blemishes”

Commonly affecting the skin condition of people between ages 12 to 24 is a disease called acne. The cause of acne is hard to determine. However
over secretion of the sebaceous glands is pointed as the cause to trigger most acne outbreaks.

Pilosebaceous units are the combination of the hair follicles and oil glands in the skin. Except for the surface of the palms and the soles of the feet
pilosabaceous units are found on the skin tissue throughout the body . They are responsible in secreting the oily substance called sebum. However
due to many factors (e.g. hormonal imbalances
stress and the skin's natural condition) the oil glands may be induced to produce more sebum than normal. When this happens
the excess oil plugs the skin pores. This process brings about bacterial infection and stimulate the reaction of the immune system. In the end
acne inflammation results.

Acne can strike at any skin type. An oily skin type is most subseptible to acne. Dry skin on the other hand
may not be as susceptible but serious outbreaks may occur during winter. Normal skin is equally susceptible to acne but the level of severity may not be as high.

acne is not yet totally curable but can be remedied with several acne skin care methods. Many seek the help of topical medications
which are applied on the surface of the skin. However
employing the use of acne skin care products like "pore strip pads" may remove whiteheads and blackheads but they would not have any effect on the excess sebum produced.

for remedy and prevention
it is best to employ the following 8 simple tips:

1. A healthy
well-balanced diet must be observed. Therefore
your food intake must incorporate all the essential nutrients the body needs for efficient functioning.

2. Drink plenty of fluids like water
juices. Minimize the intake of carbonated drinks.

3. No make up is recommended.

4. Wash your face with mild soap and water. The logic is to not remove the dirt (as the majority of acne-inflicted person perceive) but to remove the plugs on the skin pores
which may be a combination of dead skin cells
bacteria and hardened sebum. Although dirt is not truly the cause of acne
it may contribute to further infection through its interaction with skin debris and particles and extra oil in the skin.

5. Use topical cleansing pads that may contain one or the combination of the following: salicylic acid
sulfur and benzoyl peroxide to remove excess oil. Another way to minimize the presence of extra oil in the skin is to wash the face with the hottest water you can withstand.

6. Minimize the use of harsh cleansers and use acne skin care items that exfoliate mildly. Do not scrub vigorously to the affected areas.

7. If your hands are dirty
refrain from touching your face.

8. If you have long hair
tie up your hair so that it is kept away from the face. This is especially so if the weather is hot and you have been perspiring.

Preventative acne skin care steps are just as important as the treatment of acne itself. With prevention
at least
you know how to ensure that your acne problem does not escalate and spread to a bigger infected area.
read more “Acne Skin Care 8 Simple Tips To Follow”

Acne is the scourge of the teenage years and a source of great distress and embarrassment at an age when young people are most conscious of their appearance. Almost no teenager
or adult for that matter
is spared a prolonged period of acne problems.

Pubescent girls are generally affected to a more serious degree because of the hormonal upsurges associated with the onset of menstruation. Basically
acne is the result of increased hormonal activity
which causes excess oil production in the skin’s sebaceous glands. Unfortunately
the areas most affected by acne are those which are almost constantly visible with today’s youthful fashion trends.

In extreme and far from rare cases
acne can lead to extensive and permanent scarring. Because of the emotional trauma attached to this disorder
it has assumed top priority status among problems that must be avoided at all costs
but this is easier said than done.

It has now been proved that oil-saturated foods
poor skin hygiene and emotional upset actually play no role in acne occurrence at all
so there go a number of time-honored prevention targets. In fact
the most widely employed means of addressing the problem of acne – camouflaging cosmetics – are actually among the main acne aggravators. Many of them cause subtle skin changes that exacerbate acne occurrence. They can also cause the obstruction of the sebaceous glands
thereby preventing the free drainage of excessive oils. Often
this even applies to some of the so-called acne-prevention compounds.

While there is apparently very little an individual can do to prevent acne
there are now effective methods of treating it medically. However
for optimal results
these must necessarily be employed before serious disfigurement can take place. Since these treatments may involve hormone manipulation
they must take place under strict medical supervision.
read more “Acne Skin Care”

Acne scars- why do they form?

When we get acne many times it resolves without getting infected. This kind of acne leaves hyper pigmentation that fades over a time. When acne becomes infected
it spreads deeper inside and damages the collagen in the dermal layer. As the inflammation increases
more of skin tissues are killed and when the acne gets treated
it leaves a scar
which is normally a deep scar. The depth depends upon the damage done by acne
which depends upon it's severity.

Acne scar treatment option-

If the scar is deep
you may have to get deep or medium depth chemical peeling done. Laser is another option while dermabrasion is also effective. Your doctor will decide about how to remove such deep scars because some filler may also be needed to fill the scarred skin. If the scar is not deep
you can do superficial peeling with tretinoin at home.

Superficial acne scars and tretinoin-

Tretinoin peels the upper layer of the skin. By repeated application
your mild superficial scar will become less prominent. You have the option of using an OTC product or a prescription product. Please consult your doctor about that. Along with treating mild scars tretinoin also removes dead skin cells and removes superficial age lines and spots.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Acne Scars- Treat Them At Home With Tretnoin”

Acne Scars can be easily removed with Chemical peeling. this method has been used since years for not only removing acne scars but also other skin blemishes and discolorations. With Chemical peeling doctors remove the layers of skin with chemicals. With the new skin forming the earlier blemishes disappear. Let us find out about how acne scars are treated with chemical peeling.

Acne scars- Keloids

Keloids cannot be generally removed with peeling. Keloid type scars form in some individuals. Keloids are skin growths that are full of collagen and look very unsightly. Whenever a person who forms keloids gets any injury the scars form keloids. No doctor generally tries to remove keloids because the scar healing may form more of them.

Ice pick and saucer type acne scars-

Other acne scars are normally ice pick type and saucer type. These scars can be easily treated with chemical peeling. Your doctor will assess the depth of the scar and try to remove skin up to that level. As the new skin will form there will be little scarring left. For chemical peeling
the doctors apply a chemical on the site and the chemical peels away the skin in a controlled manner over sometime. Redness and swelling may result with deep peeling. The skin heals over about ten days and new skin forms. If you have acne scars
please find out with your doctor about the possibility of removing them with chemical peeling.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Acne Scars And Chemical Peeling”

Acne scars are for life. As most of them form on the face
it becomes a major cosmetic problem. Those who have acne scars want to get rid of them. But when they meet their doctor and hear about the time
money and pain that will involve procedures such as Chemical peeling
dermabrasion and laser they go into deep thought. Can microdermabrasion performed repeatedly give an answer? Let us find out.

Acne scar types-

You may develop saucer type scars
or ice pick scars or keloids. With keloids you can do nothing
but with the other two scar types
you can something with microdermabrasion. If you wish to remove the scars at one go
you have to undergo some of the procedures I mentioned above but if you are patient and can wait for the scars to go away slowly and are happy with some improvement
microdermabrasion may help.

Microdermabrasion and skin-

In microdermabrasion small crystals are thrown at a high velocity and collected back by vacuum. These small crystals abrade the skin surface in a minimal way
removing the dead skin cells and some disfigured spots slowly. With repeated treatments
you may see some improvement in the scars. As new skin keeps forming
the scars may get less conspicuous. You should talk to your doctor about the kind of results you will get painlessly and a little cost from microdermabrasion. As there are two types of procedures- one performed by the doctors with a higher power and other at beauty salons with a lower power
you should find out about which of them is suitable for you. You also get home use machines. Talk to your doctor about all the options and probably you may get your look back at a very little cost and pain.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Acne Scars - Can They Be Cleared Painlessly With Microdermabrasion”

Acne is a very common skin disorder which has become problem for all ages. The teen years can be tough and sometimes even after passing those adolescent years acne may not leave you alone. After passing through that testing phase of acne you have to clear another milestone of the scars left behind due to acne. Acne may leave you at some point or other but the scars become very visible and your face is the one which gets most affected.

There are different types of acne scars which causes severe damage to your skin

Ice-pick scars are mainly seen on the cheek and are mostly small and can be shallow or deep. These can sometimes be hard or soft to touch. The soft scars can be worked upon by stretching and the same cannot be done to the hard ice-pick scars.

Depressed fibrotic scars in comparison to ice-pick scars are very large which has sharp edges and steep sides. The metamorphosis of ice-pick scars leads to depressed fibrotic scars with the passage of time.

Soft scars as the name suggest is soft to touch and like a mountain erupts from the skin. They are small
circular and very linear in shape.

Atrophic macules are small but when it happens to surfaces the face it becomes very big. Over a period of time they may turn blue and dry out to be less conspicuous.

Follicular macular atrophy is usually seen on the chest or back of a person. These look similar to whiteheads which can be seen slightly raised above the surface.

Home treatments to remove scars are

*Use of sandalwood paste on the scars can help in getting the scars fade away
*Sandalwood paste mixed with black gram paste also helps
*Rubbing ice cubes helps in tightening your skin and making it young
*Sandalwood paste mixed with rose water kept overnight on your scar also helps
if it does not make your skin dry
*Acne pores can be tightened by applying cucumber juice
*Rubbing sliced tomato on your skin helps in closing the open pores and saves you from oily skin
*The other treatment may include skin surgery
skin grafting and laser treatment too
read more “Acne Scars - A Nightmare For Many”

It is estimated that eighty percent of people between the ages of fourteen and twenty suffer from acne. For most of us
acne is a short-lived annoyance during certain periods of our lives. Unfortunately
for some people acne is painful long after the pimples have been treated. Scarring from acne is most common for those who have suffered from severe acne
but scarring can affect anyone who has experienced acne.

If you are one of the millions of people living with acne scars
there’s good news. There are many options available to diminish these unseemly blemishes. All of these techniques work to restore the normal
healthy appearance of scarred skin; it may not always be possible to get rid of all acne scars
but with the right treatment for you
no one will ever know you were scarred. Acne scar treatments vary in their approaches depending on the severity of your scarring and your budget. You should discuss all of the available options
and side effects with your dermatologist.

Before we talk about the treatments available
we should take a look at why acne can cause scarring. The primary reason for any kind of scar is tissue damage. When body tissue is damaged
our body tries to heal and protect it from infection. In the case of acne
dead skin cells block the body’s pores
preventing the secretion of natural oils in the skin. This creates a perfect environment for bacteria to grow
which irritates the skin and causes acne. When acne is aggravated due to harsh scrubbing or other forms of physical attention
it further aggravates the condition and harms the sensitive skin tissue. When the skin finally is able to heal
a scar is left behind.

One of the most popular acne scar treatment techniques is injecting collagen under the surface of the scarred skin. Collagen puffs out the skin and evens out the scarred area
making acne less noticeable. Another important acne scar treatment technique is what is called autologous fat transfer. This process makes use of your own body’s fat. Fat is taken from another part of your body and is injected into the affected part
filling up the scar. This technique requires repeated applications because the fat is eventually absorbed into the body
making the scar noticeable once again. Your dermatologist may suggest you try laser treatments or dermabrasion. Both of these techniques are very effective. In the most extreme cases
skin grafting and skin surgery may be considered.

Keep in mind that these are only a small number of the options available for acne scar treatment.
read more “Acne Scars Is There Hope”

Acne Scarring can have serious effects on a person's self-image and emotional state. Fortunately there have been significant advances in the treatment of acne-related scarring in recent years. It is important to note that nothing will completely heal the majority of scars.

Laser Therapy - Using lasers to treat scars is a new technology
but is one of the most promising options for severe scarring. The lasers remove the scarred skin
and encourage growth of new skin in its place. After treatment
the skin will be pink and swollen for a week or so. During this time
bandages need to be kept over the skin to prevent infection. It takes months for the skin to return to normal
but most people will see less noticeable scars and smoother skin. Laser scar treatment can be quite expensive

Surgical Therapy (Dermabrasion) - This form of scar treatment uses a motorized burr
which usually contains diamond particles. Diamonds are very strong abrasives when in a powder-form. A scab will form once the procedure is completed. Once the wound is healed
a smooth pink layer of new skin will appear. Multiple treatments are often necessary
and each one can cost $1500.

Creams and Gels - There are many topical treatments that claim to reduce the appearance of scars. Some contain Vitamin E and other nutrients. Mederma is a popular brand name. Many people report that it can improve scars in as little as 8 weeks for new scars
or 6 months for older scars. Results with topical ointments like this will vary from person to person.

Collagen Injection - This is a temporary fix
where the patient's own body fat or collagen is injected into the scar site. This works well for some people with deep-pitted scars. The material injected serves to raise the skin
and reduce the pitted appearance
and wrinkling from the scar. However
this procedure needs to be repeated every 6 months and can be expensive.

read more “Acne Scarring - What Are My Treatment Options”

A detailed and comprehensive discussion of acne scars starts with causes of scarring
prevention of scarring
types of scars
and treatments for scars.

Before talking about scars
a word about spots that may look like scars but are not scars in the sense that a permanent change has occurred. Even though they are not true scars and disappear in time
they are visible and can cause embarrassment.

Macules or "pseudo-scars" are flat
red or reddish spots that are the final stage of most inflamed acne lesions. After an inflamed acne lesion flattens
a macule may remain to "mark the spot" for up to 6 months. When the macule eventually disappears
no trace of it will remain—unlike a scar.

Post-inflammatory pigmentation is discoloration of the skin at the site of a healed or healing inflamed acne lesion. It occurs more frequently in darker-skinned people
but occasionally is seen in people with white skin. Early treatment by a dermatologist may minimize the development of post-inflammatory pigmentation. Some post-inflammatory pigmentation may persist for up to 18 months
especially with excessive sun exposure. Chemical peeling may hasten the disappearance of post-inflammatory pigmentation.

Causes of Acne Scars
In the simplest terms
scars form at the site of an injury to tissue. They are the visible reminders of injury and tissue repair. In the case of acne
the injury is caused by the body’s inflammatory response to sebum
bacteria and dead cells in the plugged sebaceous follicle. Two types of true scars exist
as discussed later: (1) depressed areas such as ice-pick scars
and (2) raised thickened tissue such as keloids.

When tissue suffers an injury
the body rushes its repair kit to the injury site. Among the elements of the repair kit are white blood cells and an array of inflammatory molecules that have the task of repairing tissue and fighting infection. However
when their job is done they may leave a somewhat messy repair site in the form of fibrous scar tissue
or eroded tissue.

White blood cells and inflammatory molecules may remain at the site of an active acne lesion for days or even weeks. In people who are susceptible to scarring
the result may be an acne scar. The occurrence and incidence of scarring is still not well understood
however. There is considerable variation in scarring between one person and another
indicating that some people are more prone to scarring than others. Scarring frequently results from severe inflammatory nodulocystic acne that occurs deep in the skin. But
scarring also may arise from more superficial inflamed lesions. Nodulocystic acne that is most likely to result in scars is seen in these photos:

(Photos used with permission of the American Academy of Dermatology
National Library of Dermatologic Teaching Slides)

The life history of scars also is not well understood. Some people bear their acne scars for a lifetime with little change in the scars
but in other people the skin undergoes some degree of remodeling and acne scars diminish in size.

People also have differing feelings about acne scars. Scars of more or less the same size that may be psychologically distressing to one person may be accepted by another person as "not too bad." The person who is distressed by scars is more likely to seek treatment to moderate or remove the scars.

Prevention of Acne Scars
As discussed in the previous section on Causes of Acne Scars
the occurrence of scarring is different in different people. It is difficult to predict who will scar
how extensive or deep scars will be
and how long scars will persist. It is also difficult to predict how successfully scars can be prevented by effective acne treatment.

the only sure method of preventing or limiting the extent of scars is to treat acne early in its course
and as long as necessary. The more that inflammation can be prevented or moderated
the more likely it is that scars can be prevented. (Click on Acne Treatments for more information about treatment of mild
moderate and severe acne). Any person with acne who has a known tendency to scar should be under the care of a dermatologist. (Click on Find a Dermatologist to locate a dermatologist in your geographic area).

Types of Acne Scars
There are two general types of acne scars
defined by tissue response to inflammation: (1) scars caused by increased tissue formation
and (2) scars caused by loss of tissue.

Scars Caused by Increased Tissue Formation
The scars caused by increased tissue formation are called keloids or hypertrophic scars. The word hypertrophy means "enlargement" or "overgrowth." Both hypertrophic and keloid scars are associated with excessive amounts of the cell substance collagen. Overproduction of collagen is a response of skin cells to injury. The excess collagen becomes piled up in fibrous masses
resulting in a characteristic firm
usually irregularly-shaped scar. The photo shows a typical severe acne keloid:

(Photo used with permission of the American Academy of Dermatology
National Library of Dermatologic Teaching Slides)

The typical keloid or hypertrophic scar is 1 to 2 millimeters in diameter
but some may be 1 centimeter or larger. Keloid scars tend to "run in families"—that is
abnormal growth of scar tissue is more likely to occur in susceptible people
who often are people with relatives who have similar types of scars.

Hypertrophic and keloid scars persist for years
but may diminish in size over time.

Scars Caused by Loss of Tissue
Acne scars associated with loss of tissue—similar to scars that result from chicken pox—are more common than keloids and hypertrophic scars. Scars associated with loss of tissue are:

Ice-pick scars usually occur on the cheek. They are usually small
with a somewhat jagged edge and steep sides—like wounds from an ice pick. Ice-pick scars may be shallow or deep
and may be hard or soft to the touch. Soft scars can be improved by stretching the skin; hard ice-pick scars cannot be stretched out.

Depressed fibrotic scars are usually quite large
with sharp edges and steep sides. The base of these scars is firm to the touch. Ice-pick scars may evolve into depressed fibrotic scars over time.

Soft scars
superficial or deep are soft to the touch. They have gently sloping rolled edges that merge with normal skin. They are usually small
and either circular or linear in shape.

Atrophic macules are usually fairly small when they occur on the face
but may be a centimeter or larger on the body. They are soft
often with a slightly wrinkled base
and may be bluish in appearance due to blood vessels lying just under the scar. Over time
these scars change from bluish to ivory white in color in white-skinned people
and become much less obvious.

Follicular macular atrophy is more likely to occur on the chest or back of a person with acne. These are small
soft lesions
often barely raised above the surface of the skin—somewhat like whiteheads that didn’t fully develop. This condition is sometimes also called "perifollicular elastolysis." The lesions may persist for months to years.

Treatments for Acne Scars
A number of treatments are available for acne scars through dermatologic surgery. The type of treatment selected should be the one that is best for you in terms of your type of skin
the cost
what you want the treatment to accomplish
and the possibility that some types of treatment may result in more scarring if you are very susceptible to scar formation.

A decision to seek dermatologic surgical treatment for acne scars also depends on:

* The way you feel about scars. Do acne scars psychologically or emotionally affect your life? Are you willing to "live with your scars" and wait for them to fade over time? These are personal decisions only you can make.

* The severity of your scars. Is scarring substantially disfiguring
even by objective assessment?

* A dermatologist’s expert opinion as to whether scar treatment is justified in your particular case
and what scar treatment will be most effective for you.

Before committing to treatment of acne scars
you should have a frank discussion with your dermatologist regarding those questions
and any others you feel are important. You need to tell the dermatologist how you feel about your scars. The dermatologist needs to conduct a full examination and determine whether treatment can
or should
be undertaken.

The objective of scar treatment is to give the skin a more acceptable physical appearance. Total restoration of the skin
to the way it looked before you had acne
is often not possible
but scar treatment does usually improve the appearance of your skin.

The scar treatments that are currently available include:

Collagen injection. Collagen
a normal substance of the body
is injected under the skin to "stretch" and "fill out" certain types of superficial and deep soft scars. Collagen treatment usually does not work as well for ice-pick scars and keloids. Collagen derived from cows or other non-human sources cannot be used in people with autoimmune diseases. Human collagen or fascia is helpful for those allergic to cow-derived collagen. Cosmetic benefit from collagen injection usually lasts 3 to 6 months. Additional collagen injections to maintain the cosmetic benefit are done at additional cost.

Autologous fat transfer. Fat is taken from another site on your own body and prepared for injection into your skin. The fat is injected beneath the surface of the skin to elevate depressed scars. This method of autologous (from your own body) fat transfer is usually used to correct deep contour defects caused by scarring from nodulocystic acne. Because the fat is reabsorbed into the skin over a period of 6 to 18 months
the procedure usually must be repeated. Longer lasting results may be achieved with multiple fat-transfer procedures.

Dermabrasion. This is thought to be the most effective treatment for acne scars. Under local anesthetic
a high-speed brush or fraise used to remove surface skin and alter the contour of scars. Superficial scars may be removed altogether
and deeper scars may be reduced in depth. Dermabrasion does not work for all kinds of scars; for example
it may make ice-pick scars more noticeable if the scars are wider under the skin than at the surface. In darker-skinned people
dermabrasion may cause changes in pigmentation that require additional treatment.

Microdermabrasion. This new technique is a surface form of dermabrasion. Rather than a high-speed brush
microdermabrasion uses aluminum oxide crystals passing through a vacuum tube to remove surface skin. Only the very surface cells of the skin are removed
so no additional wound is created. Multiple procedures are often required but scars may not be significantly improved.

Laser Treatment. Lasers of various wavelength and intensity may be used to recontour scar tissue and reduce the redness of skin around healed acne lesions. The type of laser used is determined by the results that the laser treatment aims to accomplish. Tissue may actually be removed with more powerful instruments such as the carbon dioxide laser. In some cases
a single treatment is all that will be necessary to achieve permanent results. Because the skin absorbs powerful bursts of energy from the laser
there may be post-treatment redness for several months.

Skin Surgery. Some ice-pick scars may be removed by "punch" excision of each individual scar. In this procedure each scar is excised down to the layer of subcutaneous fat; the resulting hole in the skin may be repaired with sutures or with a small skin graft. Subcision is a technique in which a surgical probe is used to lift the scar tissue away from unscarred skin
thus elevating a depressed scar.

Skin grafting may be necessary under certain conditions—for example
sometimes dermabrasion unroofs massive and extensive tunnels (also called sinus tracts) caused by inflammatory reaction to sebum and bacteria in sebaceous follicles. Skin grafting may be needed to close the defect of the unroofed sinus tracts.

Treatment of keloids. Surgical removal is seldom if ever used to treat keloids. A person whose skin has a tendency to form keloids from acne damage may also form keloids in response to skin surgery. Sometimes keloids are treated by injecting steroid drugs into the skin around the keloid. Topical retinoic acid may be applied directly on the keloid. In some cases the best treatment for keloids in a highly susceptible person is no treatment at all.

In summary
acne scars are caused by the body’s inflammatory response to acne lesions. The best way to prevent scars is to treat acne early
and as long as necessary. If scars form
a number of effective treatments are available. Dermatologic surgery treatments should be discussed with a dermatologist.
read more “Acne Scarring”

commonly called pimples
is an inflammatory disease of the skin. It is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous. The most common form of acne is known as "acne vulgaris"
which means "common acne". The hair folicles are blocked by the combination of oils and dead skin cells. Comedones
nodules and inflammatory cysts are the different types of acme lesions. They are mainly caused on the face
shoulders and upper arms. These acne lesions are inflamed form of pus-filled reddish bumps that appear mainly during adolescence.

There are various factors causing acne. Some of them are the hormonal activities like the menstrual cycle and increased output of hormones from the adrenal glands. Accumulation of dead skin cells
bacteria in the pores
skin irritation or scratching
use of antibiotic steroids
use of medication containing halogens
barbiturates or androgens
and exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds can also cause acne.

Ace treatments can be done with the help of benzoyl peroxide
proactive solution
contraceptive pills
salicylic acid
laser treatment
blue light treatment and herbal remedies. 90% of adolescents have acne. Acne can be treated in various ways. Exfoliating the skin
using topical bactericidals
topical antibiotics
oral antibiotics
hormonal treatment
external retinoids
oral retinoids
and phototherapy are some of the methods of treating acne. The non inflammatory acne can be treated with azelaic
salicytic acid
topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. The mild inflammatory acme can be treated with topical antibiotics. Isotretinion and topical retinoids are used to treat moderate inflammatory acne. Contraceptive pills with cyproterone can be used by females with virilization to treat severe inflammatory acne.

Acne often leaves a scar behind. There are various scar treatments to remove the mark –

ทDermabrasion – A high-speed rotary wire brush or diamond-coated fraise is used to remove the top layer of the skin to make the scar look less pitted. This is done by a cosmetic surgeon.
ทMicrodermabrasion – It involves blasting tiny crystals at the skin and rubbing the skin with a rough tool.
ทLaser resurfacing – The top layer of the skin is burnt off by a laser.
ทPunch excision – A punch tool is used
with the help of which the scar is excised
and the edges are sutured together.
ทChemical peels – Glycolic
or lactic are applied to the skin to get a smoother layer in an acid peel.
ทSubcision – A deep pool of blood is created under the scar by detaching the scar from deeper tissue. This blood helps form a connective tissue under the scar
thus levelling it with the surface.
ทDermal filler – An injectable filler is used to fill up the scar.

Mantaining a good hygeine with proper diet and medications help to reduce the occurance of acme
thus boosting your confidence level and self esteem.
read more “Acne Scar Treatments For Acne Free Face”

There are many ways to treat acne scars. Determining your treatment depends on the type of scar and quantity of scarring. Before you consider a scar treatment you should have an in depth conversation with your doctor. It is very important you only use this information as an introduction to scar treatments and not a final guide. Your dermatologist and you can discuss the proper treatment after you have basic knowledge.

For very mild acne
a chemical peel might be all that you need. Different types of acid are used in this procedure. It is recommended that you choose another method of treatment
if you have very noticeable or deep scarring. The chemical peel procedure takes about fifteen minutes. The resultant facial redness may last up to a few weeks.

There are a few choices available to treat moderate acne scarring. The most popular are dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion is a scar treatment in which a diamond plated wheel is used to “sand” your face. This technique has been around for a long time and sandpaper was once used instead of the new machines that utilize the diamond plated tool. Generally
this procedure takes around an hour to perform. You should expect some scabbing and redness for a few weeks. This method is most effective for individual with very pale or very dark complexions.

The other treatment for mild acne scars is laser resurfacing. This treatment involves removing old skin with a carbon dioxide (CO2) or erbium laser. Depending on the size and frequency of the scars
the treatment may last only several minutes or in excess of an hour. This treatment is not advised for people with darker skin pigment
because it may result in uneven skin color. After treatment
redness should be expected for a few weeks and a mild pinkish tone may be evident even longer.

For very deep
pitted scars
physicians utilize a "punch technique." There are several "punch" treatments available depending on your doctor
type of acne and other factors. The first type is a punch replacement in which a tool is used to remove the scar. Then a skin graft from another part of your body is transplanted over the site. Another technique is the punch excision where the scar is surgically removed and the area allowed to recover. Finally
there is a technique where the physician removes the scar at the bottom. The skin at the treated area is allowed to rise and fills the cratered area. Usually a punch technique is combined with dermabrasion or laser resurfacing for optimal results. Healing may take up to several weeks.

Another type of acne scar treatment is subcision. With subcision the scar is detached from the lower tissue
which allows a blood clot to form under the skin. The clot forces the scar up to the surface of the skin. Similar to the punch techniques
combining subcision with dermabrasion or laser resurfacing yields the best results. This type of treatment can be effective for all types of scarring
but is best for deeper and more prominent scars.

The last type of treatment is augmentation. Augmentation uses a material similar to collagen which is injected under the skin to bring the scar to the surface. Recovery is immediate and no time off work is necessary. The drawback
is that results are temporary and only last up to six months.

Whatever acne scar treatment you decide upon
keep in mind that some may require more than one session with a doctor. Always consult your dermatologist to decide which treatment is best for you. There is a wide variation with the costs associated with the various treatments. Make sure you consider the financial ramifications with your treatment plan before you proceed. Remember
more than one treatment plan may be effective in your particular situation. Each plan has benefits and drawbacks so make sure you discuss all your concerns with your doctor.
read more “Acne Scar Treatments”

Acne is one of the most common and bothersome skin conditions for adolescence. Although acne itself is not curable
even the most severe cases can be treated effectively. For these sever conditions
various types of acne scar treatment are available if warranted by the situation.

Recent estimates indicate that 85% of the population between the ages of 12 and 24 suffer from acne. The severity and amount of time a person has acne can vary from person to person
but for most of us
it will eventually go away by itself. It is true that even mild acne may affect normal social activities because of the undesirable changes to your appearance
but this is considered more of a nuisance than anything else.

there are more severe forms of acne with greater consequences. In addition to being painful
sever cases of acne can cause serious scarring. Acne scars can occur in both mild acne or severe acne
but the chances of scarring increases as the acne severity increases. Luckily
you have the option of choosing between several acne scar treatment techniques available.

The purpose of acne scar treatment is to restore your skin to its original appearance. You will find
that restoration is not always 100%
but acne scar treatment works to make the scarring almost invisible. There are a variety of techniques available to remove acne scars and each one uses a different approach. It is recommended that you consult with a dermatologist to determine the best technique based on your type of acne and the severity of scarring present.

At this point
you may be asking yourself how acne scars occur. In general
acne scars
and other types of scars for that matter
result from tissue damage. After tissue is damaged
the body will begin healing itself and in the process discourages any chance of infection. Your body sends a special chemical call collagen to the affected area. Sometimes
the collagen is produced in excess and develops into an irregularly shaped fibrous mass resulting in an acne scar.

Other types of scars that may also occur include soft scars
depressed scars
atrophic macules
and many others. For the most part
these types of scars are caused by the loss of tissue from a particular area.

Injecting collagen under the surface of the scarred skin is one of the most popular acne scar treatment techniques being used. The purpose of this technique is to puff out or restore the skin
which makes the scar much less noticeable. Another acne scar treatment technique is called autologus fat transfer. This process uses the fat from one part of your body for injection into the affected area. This helps to fill in the scar
but since fat is eventually absorbed into the body
repeated applications may be needed.

Other effective acne scar treatments include laser or dermabrasion. Skin grafting and even surgery is a possibility
but these procedures are used only used in the most extreme cases. Hopefully
you will not have to undergo any of these techniques to address your acne
but if scarring is present
with the help of your dermatologist you will be able to make an effective choice.
read more “Acne Scar Treatment Techniques”

Acne scars develop after severe cases or when the acne has been forcibly picked or scratched. There are many types of acne scars
each entirely treatable.

The only sure method of acne scar treatment is prevention early on. In general
you should never pick or squeeze acne
especially inflammatory acne or “pustules”. Squeezing forces infected material deeper into the skin
causing additional inflammation and possible scarring.

But there are many acne scar treatment options. All acne scar treatments are short procedures – fifteen minutes to an hour – but recovery times vary from fifteen minutes to many months. Scabbing
bruising and uneven skin tone are common post-treatment effects. Acne scar treatment can cost anywhere from $50 to over $3000. Ask a dermatologist which type of acne scar treatment is right for you.

Dermabrasion works on shallow acne scars. For decades
sandpaper was used to scrape away damaged skin
allowing new skin to grow in its place
but now machines with rotating diamond edged wheels are used.

Laser resurfacing is a newer resurfacing technique
with the same effects as dermabrasion. Penetration depth into the skin is more easily controlled with a laser than with dermabrasion and other methods.

Chemical peels are designed only for the lightest of cases. It involves application of different types of acid to the skin in order to remove the top layer so that a smoother layer can surface.

Punch techniques are used for deep acne scars. Punch replacement or excision involves removing the pitted scar
followed by a skin graft or suture. Punch elevation
on the other hand
just cuts the scar loose and allows it to float up to the level of surrounding skin.

Subcision is a method whereby the scar tissue is broken up underneath the surface of the skin
forming a pool of blood under the scar. The blood clot helps form connective tissue under the scar
leveling it with the surface.

Dermal fillers are used for deeper acne scars. Material - often collagen or fat – is injected under the scar to bring it to surface level. Injections usually last about six months
although research into the longer lasting materials continues to this day.
read more “Acne Scar Treatment”

Acne is a common skin infection that affects over 80% of youth and 5% of adults. When acne eventually heals
it leaves ugly blemishes called acne scars. These become permanent if they are not treated in time. Acne scars are damaging to the ego and personality of an individual
and a lot of time and money has been invested in research to treat this problem.

Acne scars are classified by size
shape and appearance they are identified as Icepick
Boxcar and Rolling. They are also tagged as early or permanent on the basis of their duration. Early scars respond well to topical medications. Permanent scars require surgical intervention. Presently
scars are treated with combinations of topical skin care medications in tandem with carefully selected surgical and skin resurfacing procedures.

At least a half dozen surgical procedures are also performed to repair acne scars. Each has benefits and pitfalls and a surgeon will closely examine the patient’s age
medical history
skin type and type of scarring before agreeing to perform surgery. Cost is also discussed
as it can be quite expensive.

When dermal fillers are used
a surgeon will inject fillers such as collagen and hyaluronic acid derivatives into the skin. This raises the base of the scar to the level of normal skin. The “punch excision” procedure is used in

icepick and boxcar type scars and relies on making incisions in the skin with a punch biopsy tool and stitching the skin edges together. The new scar heals
leaving a clear skin. Punch excision with skin graft replacement is a variant of the punch excision method. Instead of suturing the skin after excision
surgeons use a skin graft to repair the scar. Punch elevation is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. Here the base of the scar is excised and elevated to the surface of the skin. Sutures and glue are used to join the edges together. Subcutaneous Incision is used for treating rolling scars and centers on the use of a special beveled needle that is inserted under the skin and used to cut the binding tissue in the scar. The resulting bruises fade after about 1 week. Laser resurfacing is used to burn the top layer of the skin and reduce it to the same level as the base of the scars.

Prevention is always better than cure. Simple precautions such as avoiding strong sunlight
using medications like tretinoin and alpha hydroxyl acids
avoiding picking scabs
regular exercising and dietary control go a long way in preventing acne scars and saving a lot of embarrassment and expenses.
read more “Acne Scar Solutions”

While acne does affect about 90% of adolescents
only a small majority of those affected are left with scars. However
those who are left with scars often look for acne scar removal methods that work to remove or diminish the scars. Fortunately
there are many options available for acne scar removal.

Acne scar removal can be by dermabrasion. This is a process where the top layers of the skin are removed with the use of a machine that literally abrades the skin. While dermabrasion does give your skin a smoother appearance
it is not 100% effective for acne scar removal.

Chemical peels are another option for acne scar removal. This works much the same as dermabrasion
but instead of machinery
chemicals are used to remove the top layer of skin. Again
this is not 100% effective for acne scar removal
but it does give the skin a smoother appearance.

Another technique for acne scar removal is collagen injections. Collagen injections are often used to treat wrinkles
and lines. Injections can be expensive
and will need to be repeated on a regular basis. This is another acne scar removal technique that doesn't actually remove the scars. It really just hides them.

A drastic acne scar removal procedure is Autologous Fat Transfer. This is a process where fat is removed from other parts of your body
and injected back into your skin. It doesn't remove scars. Instead
it fills up depressions
such as those that are characteristic of acne scars. Again
this is a drastic acne scar removal method
and the process will need to be repeated as the fat is absorbed into the body.

Another drastic acne scar removal technique is punch grafts. This is a process where small skin grafts are taken and used to replace scarred skin. This acne scar removal technique is usually used to remove deep acne scars.

The newest - and seemingly most effective - acne scar removal technique is Laser Skin Resurfacing. This is a process where the acne scarred skin is gently vaporized
with the use of a laser. Once the damaged skin is vaporized
the new - unscarred - skin underneath is visible. Local anesthesia is given for small areas
but for full face acne scar removal
the person is usually sedated with anesthesia administered through an I.V by an anesthesiologist.
read more “Acne Scar Removal Tips”

Acne scar removal is effective when done properly
with the right products.

For many individuals
acne scar removal is the best solution to having scars removed from their body. Many individuals spend years dealing with acne in one form or the next. They find that there are many products on the market that do little to actually help them to remove acne. Acne scars can be devastating to their self esteem and outward appearance. Many individuals will deal with confidence issues because of their scars. Yet
acne scar removal can be the exact answer to their needs.

How Do They Work?

Selecting the right product for acne scar removal is important in the process. What individuals need to know is how the product actually works. For some situations
the product will work by exfoliating the skin enough to create new skin growth in the area of the scar. When the new skin heals
the scar will be gone or much less noticeable. These exfoliating products work well for many. Often
this acne scar treatment is called a chemical peel.

There are both natural and chemical forms of this type of acne scar treatment. Many of them work in the same method with the goal of removing the top layers of skin to help improve the skin’s condition. Other products work by gently and effectively removing the scar through topical treatments. In any case
the method for which the acne treatment works should provide some results rather quickly.

How To Select The Appropriate One

When selecting an acne scar removal product
insure that you understand how the product works. Find out how it will work to remove the scars on your body. Also
insure that you are not allergic to anything in the product. If you are unsure
test the product on a small area of skin to see if there is a reaction within a day’s time. Also
you should notice where the removal treatment is used. Some are not meant for the face while others will not be able to be used on the neck or body.

Acne scar removal can actually help to reform the skin and the soul when it is selected wisely.
read more “Acne Scar Removal How To Do It The Right Way”

Copyright 2006 Alberto Martinez

I didn’t know anything about acne scar laser treatment to remove
or diminish the pocks and other marks
then. It was the 1980s
and I was not all that focused on beauty (but rather on getting through graduate school
and three jobs); and I was ignorant about skin care innovations. But I said to the man of the week
a cool guy
for most purposes
that I wanted to sand-paper my face skin
so I could lesson the devastating holes…or at least so I could fill in the open pores
the holes where acne had been.

Think of the face as being made of clay. Imagine that clay face full of big gouges
or blemishes—new and old. Envision taking a stylus or other sculptor’s tool to drag and smear new clay into those pits and over those scars and marks. It seems logical
right? Your new face would be pock-free and smooth again
as it had been in pre-adolescent days. If you think of the new techniques
and other
used to remove acne marks
you might think in terms of the sculptor’s clay and maneuvers analogy. Then again
you might think more in terms of the face as an unfinished or marked piece of furniture that about to get sand-papered. Not all that “imaginative” or
though. Now we have such a re-sculpting device: we have acne scar laser treatment.

Acne scar laser treatment
also called resurfacing and also used for wrinkles
works in a particular way. According to one plastic surgery professional
acne scar laser treatment done by a CO2 laser or an erbium laser—which “vaporizes” superficial damaged skin cells. This frees up the existing and healthier collagen to get thicker and to become even healthier.

The emphasis honest practitioners of acne scar laser treatment offer
is that such treatment does not “cure” or magically remove all acne marks and blemishing. Rather
it improves the skin condition
diminishing though not completely removing.

Other details are equally important. Depending upon type of acne scar laser treatment
be prepared to accept the treatment as a kind of surgery. You might undergo sedation or anesthesia of some type or degree; you can expect to be in the outpatient treatment room for anywhere from fifteen to ninety minutes; and you will need anywhere from three days to three weeks to wait for the swelling to go down and the abrasions
and/or oozing to stop completely so you can resume typical skin care.

I certainly didn’t envision such a complicated process. Then again
I didn’t come up with the idea all by myself
evidently. And besides
I am not a doctor
nor do I play one when writing.
read more “Acne Scar Laser Treatment”

Can you get (catch) acne from other people?

Answer: While certain types of acne do contain a bacterium
it is located in the hair follicles under your skin and can not be transmitted through contact. So no
touching or kissing someone with acne will not cause you to develop acne.

2.) If both my parents had acne does that mean I will develop acne?

Answer: Studies show that heredity does play an important role in determining who develops acne. So children of parents who had or have acne are at a grater risk then others. It should be noted that as with any disease just because you have a family history
does not guarantee you will get it; only that you have a much great chance then someone with no family history.

3.) Does eating or drinking certain foods cause acne?

Answer: Over the years studies have suggested everything from chocolate
fried foods
drinking water
orange juice to milk can cause you to develop acne or make existing acne worse. However their is no scientific evidence to support any such results. There are so many factors effecting acne development that it is very difficult to isolate any one cause. So whether or not to avoid certain foods or drinks is really just an individual preference. If you find your skin reacts negatively to certain foods
then just don’t eat or drink it.

4.) Does dirt on my skin cause acne?

Answer: Having proper hygiene will help with healthy skin. However dirty skin will not cause acne
but anybody with acne should be extra vigilant in having a good cleansing routine. Over washing can irritate your skin and make it more vulnerable to infection. Washing with a gentle cleanser will help reduce skin cell build up and keep your skin looking at its best. So find a balance and try not to over wash.

5.) Does stress cause acne?

Answer: Stress has been shown to make acne worse
not directly cause it. So if you suffer from acne you should be aware of how you react under stress and develop ways to help manage and keep it under control. This will not only help with controlling your acne but also benefit your over all health.

6.) Can you develop acne once you are out of your teens?

Answer: The simple answer is yes. In fact many people who never experienced acne as a teen can develop it in their 30
and 50’s.

7.) Does make up or sunscreen make acne worse?

Answer: Certain products that are overly greasy and thick can plug the skins follicles leading to the development of acne. Not all products affect everyone the same way
so while you many develop acne using one product someone else may not. If you are prone to acne you will need to be extra careful with what you put on your skin. Try to always use oil free products and also test a small amount on a patch of skin for a few days before using it all over.

8.) Will exercising affect my acne?

Answer: While it is still unclear why this happens
vigorous exercising that causes your body to heat up and sweat does seem to cause acne to get worse for certain people. One theory is that exercise increases the production of sebum
the oil that when to much is produced can lead to acne.

9.) Can a facial help with acne?

Answer: There is no easy way to answer this question. The term facial is used to describe everything from an over the counter product you buy from a drug store and do it yourself to something done at an expensive spa for hundreds of dollars. The bottom line is anything that might irritate your skin can make your acne worse.

10.) Why does my acne stop responding to my current treatment?

Answer: Acne medication
like all medications can become less effective over time as your body builds a resistance to them. It might be necessary to use acne treatment regiments on a rotational basis for optimum effectiveness.
read more “Acne s Top 10 FAQ s”

Over the Counter Drugs
Q: I've tried a million over the counter products for acne and they work for a while and then they stop. I've tried oil-free cleansers
and makeup - all of which claim they help acne-prone skin. But they're not; what am I doing wrong?

A: You're not doing anything wrong except wasting your money. The products you're buying don't work. Even though they are labeled oil-free
they really aren't oil-free. All products with the exception of water
are oil-based. Just like in the foods you eat
there are good oils and bad oils. The products that you have been using are full of bad oils and are producing new acne
not helping it. Over the counter eye shadows and lipsticks are fine
but when it comes to make-up and cleansers
the stuff you've been buying just isn't helping.

Q: What about all the acne soaps and astringents I use? I wash and scrub my face constantly
but I still break out. Why?

A: You can scrub all you want but it won't make a difference. Acne forms inside your hair follicles which are below the surface. The same thing goes for drying-out your skin with alcohol or astringents. All this does is clean the top layer of your skin
but it doesn't go inside the clogged hair follicles to clean them out. It's important to realize that your pimples are forming beneath the top layers of your skin and that over the counter products can't help you there. The Acne Treatment Clinic offers topical medications which go deep into the clogged hair follicles to clean them out and prevent new pimples from forming. Whether you suffer from severe acne or occasional breakouts
our products work quickly giving you positive results.

Q: I've tried just about everything for my skin. What do you put in your products that make
them so different?

A: It's not what we put in them
it's what we don't put in them. Our products are formulated without adding oils to interfere with their effectiveness. The Acne Treatment Clinic has a safe
and inexpensive skin care program that works. There are no side-effects
no sun-sensitivity
no pills
and no gimmicks.

Q: I'm very skeptical about new products
especially since everything I've used up till now hasn't worked. What is your success rate? How long have you been in business and most of all
do you have any idea how I feel!?

A: I know these products work because I suffered from acne for 25 years. It destroyed my self-confidence
made me feel unattractive and was just plain ruining my life! After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley
I did some research
hired a chemist
and opened the Acne Treatment Clinic. We have been in Northern California for over ten years and have successfully treated over 5
men and women of all ages. When many of our graduating high school seniors went off to college
we started sending their products to them by mail. Word spread on campuses all across the state and country and soon we opened our mail order division. Now with the Internet
we are able to send our products all over the world. I must have the most rewarding job in the world
because I know exactly how it feels to have acne and know exactly how great it is to clear it up!

Q: Do all your clients use the same products?

A: No. Everyone's skin is different. That's why the Acne Treatment Clinic offers a variety of products
all formulated for specific skin types and problems. Many factors determine your treatment which is customized for you. That's why we ask you to please fill out the questionnaire on the How to Order page so we can personally help you.

Q: Are chocolate and greasy foods really bad for my skin?

A: No! How could anyone live without chocolate or French fries?

Q: Is there a connection between what I eat and my acne?

A: Yes
it helps to eat a well balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals with plenty of water. This is paramount to having a healthy body and a good complexion. Splurging on bad food once in awhile is no big thing
as long as you eat well most of the time. However
some people have that backwards. The stress you put on your body if you mistreat it by not eating right
doing drugs
over-doing the alcohol or caffeine is enough to aggravate even the most mild acne case.

Prescription Drugs
Q: Why don't antibiotics work for acne?

A: Antibiotics work for getting rid of an infection
like strep throat. When it comes to treating acne
all topical and oral drugs are doing is temporarily killing the bacteria
which eventually become resistant to the antibiotic. A common practice is to prescribe the topical ointment
Retin-Aฎ in conjunction with antibiotics. Unfortunately
many people experience redness and irritation which actually cause more pimples and blackheads to form. Because Retin-Aฎ and antibiotics make your skin very sun-sensitive they are not practical for many acne sufferers. Another drug often prescribed for acne is Accutaneฎ. This is just a temporary solution to your acne
but it's not a long term and safe alternative to controlling your breakouts. And if not helping acne isn't enough
some antibiotics also reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Check with your doctor.

Q: What should I expect to see after using your products for a couple of months?

A:You will definitely look better. Your pimples will be smaller
go away faster
and you should have fewer of them. Our products will prevent new pimples from forming and will reduce the swelling and irritation on your skin from your breakouts. We stand behind our products
and if for any reason you are not happy with them we will refund your money. They get to the root of the problem and work. At the Acne Treatment Clinic our products are specially formulated for problem skin. That's all we do - is treat your type of skin. We are specialists in acne and only acne.

Q: If the sun is so damaging to my skin
then why does it seem to clear up my acne?

A: It's not helping clear up your acne at all. The "tan" look is just a temporary coloring that appears to hide your pimples. But when the tan goes away
the zits stay. Worse yet
the sun tans your scars darker and sets you up for a whole new crop of pimples! Sun damages your skin and that's all there is to it.
you might look better and feel better with a tan
but what you're doing is creating new pimples for three or four months down the road - that's how long it takes for a pimple to form. It's not a fluke that your skin looks worse in October when your summer time tan catches up with you. That's why it is important to wear one of our specially formulated sunscreens to help prevent future breakouts.

Q: I try to remember and wear sunscreen
but every time I wear it my skin breaks out worse. What's the story?

A: Good sunscreen is good
but bad sunscreen is bad. If you're wearing acne aggravating sunscreen
then you're not helping the situation. Most of the over the counter sunscreens you've probably been using are loaded with oils which clog your skin. This produces acne. The Acne Treatment Clinic only has non-acne aggravating sunscreens
that not only protect your skin from harmful UV rays
but don't cause acne.
Remember that a sunscreen is JUST that: screen. You need to apply your sunscreen at least a half hour before sun exposure and re-apply it at least every two hours to receive the maximum protection. Also
it never hurts to wear a wide-brimmed hat or sit under a tree. Acne or not
the sun harms your skin.

Men Only
Q: I work out and sweat a lot. I always have pimples on my back but rarely on my face. How can I avoid them altogether?

A:Sweat aggravates acne
there are a few things you can do to minimize your breakouts. First of all
avoid sport drinks at all costs! Most sport drinks contain high amounts of iodine which has been shown to flare-up pimples when excreted through the skin in the form of sweat. Drinking lots of water during exercise helps minimize this problem. Wear clean
loose-fitting clothing during your workout because believe it or not
friction makes pimples bigger. Last
but not the least
you must try to shower at least 1/2 hour after exercise using one of our cleansers for acne prone areas.

Q: After working out and showering
it feels like the soap didn't cut the oil and sweat on my skin - especially on my back. Any suggestions?

A: The Acne Treatment Clinic's medicated cleansers are perfect for the job. They are adequate for both the face and body and thoroughly clean your skin without leaving behind any slimy residue. Best of all
they're not very expensive
last a long time
lather-up great
and really work.

Q:My skin seems to break out only where I shave.
and what can I do to stop this?

A: If you are using a double edged razor
then STOP! Double edged blades cut the hair beneath the surface and cause trauma and subsequent breakouts. Try using a single-edged razor and shave in the direction of your hair growth. Also
you need to stop using your current shaving cream because it's probably aggravating your skin. We've seen the best results when men switch to one of our foaming facial cleansers and use it as their shaving cream. Never put cologne or aftershave on areas where you frequently break out because these products contain oils which will aggravate your acne. It is also advisable to use topical medications on a daily basis to prevent future breakouts as well. The products we sell at the Acne Treatment Clinic can be worn during the day so you are treating your acne around the clock without anybody knowing it but you.

Q: I'm 34 years old
have 2 kids
dogs and 800 zits! I was always looking forward to trading in my pimples for wrinkles
but it's starting to look like I'll be stuck with both. Why?

A:Acne is a genetic skin problem and aging won't get you out of this one. While it's true that the older you get the flare-ups usually become less severe
they're still unwanted and often embarrassing. Most acne sufferers go between times of flare-ups and clear skin their whole lives. Fortunately
the Acne Treatment Clinic has a safe
long-term treatment for controlling your acne. Sorry
we can't do anything about controlling your kids!

Q: Can anyone tell when I'm wearing your products?

A:No. All our products
with the exception of the masks
are invisible on your skin. We don't expect you to stop your life so you can go home and treat your pimples.

Q: Why do I always break out about a week before my period? My pimples are large and hurt and seem to be located around my mouth and chin. Also
sometimes they pop up on my neck.

A: Hormones
hormones. It is very common to breakout along the lower half of your face and neck because of hormones. Regular periods and regular break-outs go hand in hand
if you're having irregular periods
the imbalance of hormones could make your skin worse. Also
where acne is concerned
some birth control pills are less acne aggravating than others. The good news is that you can effectively control most premenstrual breakouts using Acne Treatment Clinic products. Diligent use of the topical medications 30 days every month
insures your skin stays clear every day of the month -- even when you have your period.

Stress and Emotions
Q: When I'm stressed or burned out
my acne gets worse.
What does one thing have to do with the other?

A: Whether it's from relationship problems
an unbalanced diet
lack of sleep
your job
or school pressures
stress aggravates acne. You may be able to control some stress
but unfortunately stress is a part of life. That's why it's important to have a skin care program that's easy to use and helps to fight off stress-induced pimples.
Acne Treatment Clinic products are specially formulated to prevent pimples. So whether you're stressed out or not
you are able to successfully control breakouts using our daily treatment plan.
Sleeping 8 hours a night
eating a well balanced diet
regular exercise and drinking plenty of water can immediately help reduce your stress level.
Getting close is simply out of the question when you feel bad about your skin.
We've all been there - we're too embarrassed by our skin to want to leave the house - let alone have someone touch it. Now there is a way to control your breakouts so your breakouts don't control you. The Acne Treatment Clinic was founded to help you get your confidence and your life back.
Nobody should feel bad about their skin and we are here to help you
regardless of your age
or national origin. We offer a safe
long term solution for controlling your breakouts. And because we know the emotional roller coaster you've been on for years trying to find a solution
our products are fully guaranteed. For over 15 years we have successfully treated thousands and thousands of acne sufferers just like you.
read more “Acne s Frequenlty Asked Questions”
