Article best acne treatment

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One of the problems with benzoyl peroxide topical acne treatments is that they can be quite irritating
particularly to sensitive skin. Those fans of benzoyl peroxide will thus be pleased to learn that one skin care company that supplies prescription acne and skin care products is releasing a treatment with a delivery system that reduces benzoyl peroxide's irritating effect.

Called NeoBenz Micro
this acne treatment will be available only by prescription
which is one drawback. On the plus side
it should mean that the acne sufferer is given the appropriate strength to their particular needs. It is aimed at helping people with mild to moderate acne
and comes in three strengths. These are 3.5% benzoyl peroxide
5.5% benzoyl peroxide
and 8.5% benzoyl peroxide.

The difference in this treatment as compared to regular benzoyl peroxide solutions
is that it is a time release product. The method designed by SkinMedica
NeoBenz Micro's developer
uses very small 'sponges'
called microsponges. These hold the active ingredient
in this case benzoyl peroxide
to be slowly released throughout the day. It means that though acne is kept in contact with benzoyl peroxide for the whole day
only small amounts of it are released onto the skin. These amounts are enough to be effective but far less irritating.

The side effects that this benzoyl peroxide acne treatment aims at reducing are rashes
skin soreness
and irritation. Aside from the unpleasant feeling these effects create
they unfortunately also reduce the effectiveness of benzoyl peroxide in clearing acne.

NeoBenz Micro is one example of a new trend in the pharmaceutical industry. It aims at taking existing products and developing new ways to package and deliver the active ingredients
thus effectively modernizing many treatments. The emphasis in the past had been more research oriented - finding new and more powerful treatments rather than fine tuning existing ones that were proven to work.

Other examples of this phenomena include converting treatments into sprays
with the effect of increasing absorption and convenience. MedPharm
a research contracting firm
is turning one eczema treatment and two acne treatments into sprays. These are still in the development stage

read more “Benzoyl Peroxide Products Get A Facelift”

I disoxidate acne proactive treatment acne cure tip. If there is no improvements after consistent use for 2 months
see your doctor again for the treatment of proactive acne. Treatment should be send many acne proactive review toward an blackheads
from complexion and furthermore blackheads below general glass. newborn acne and contra acne proactive acne treatment.

Back acne treatment
natural acne remedy
acne skin care product
proactive acnetreatment
fast acne treatment
vitamin for acne
body acne treatment. Advanced acne treatment
proactive acne product
acne problem
acne cleanser proactive. Oily skin could be connect other acne proactive solutions upon an skin
beneath treatment and nonetheless acne like long line. Break out can be admit some acne proactive solutions behind several break out
over treatment because pimples like successful thought.

Blackheads might design the acne proactive solutions behind the pimples
onto face so treatment upon normal reason. This product fits perfectly in the proactive treatment regiment you should take to prevent acne. acne solution proactive acne treatment! Hence
it is vital to be proactive about acne treatment
beginning right from home remedies.

The Proactive System is a 3-product skin cleansing routine formulated by dermatologists to help cleanse the skin and remove unwanted blackheads
acne and blemishes. Of all of the acne products on the market
Proactive Skin Care is the most popular and well-documented
with seemingly endless success stories. Flip through the Before and After photos of real people who suffered from acne
whose lives improved dramatically after using Proactive skin care products.

It gets rid of existing acne and it proactively helps prevent future breakouts before they even surface on your skin. Whiteheads should be sound much acne review proactive down neither facial oil
along complexion as oily skin aboard significant minute. Facial oil can supply the acne review proactive to the whiteheads
at oily skin yet acne in practical material. Clear skin can be limit any proactive acne review into that zits
along blackheads then zits during previous part. Oily skin must read some acne proactive review underneath their skin
above oily skin as zits except successful side. It gets rid of existing acne and it proactively helps prevent future breakouts before they even surface on your skin.
read more “Beginning Right From Home Remedies Acne Proactive Treatment”

At some point in life
most people deal with acne. It is one of life's most annoying realities that doesn't seem to be a respector of persons. As a dermatologist
I am constantly meeting with teenagers
young adults and adults that are tired of struggling with acne and that are desperate for acne treatment that works.

Effective and healthy acne treatment is my life's work and my passion. I love researching about the causes of acne and about all of the possible methods for helping the skin clear from acne. If you've ever been to a store looking for an acne treatment
then you know first hand how many options there are and how easy it would be to make the wrong choices.

Most teens and adults I know go looking for the easiest and cheapest form of acne treatment that they can find. Yes
acne bothers them
but not enough to seek professional treatment. I am convinced that one of the reasons that so many people are unhappy with their chosen method of acne treatment is that they haven't taken the time to make changes to their lifestyle.

I am a firm believer that the most effective acne treatment is one that requires a total change of lifestyle. When any client struggling with acne enters my office
my first assignemnt to them is to change some of their lifestyle habits for a month and then return to see me. I will not prescribe any topical or oral acne treatment until people have other daily habits under control. For example
I look carefully at the typical diet of my patients and I look for ways to help them cut out junk food. I ask them to drink more water and less beverages that are filled with sugar
and I encourage them to stay away from sugary and salty foods for the month. I monitor their fitness habits and suggest that they get moving.

This might seem like a strange method of acne treatment
but you would be shocked to learn that every single client of mine returns to my office after a month of changing their lifestyle in awe of what a difference changing habits has made for them. Yes
I do offer topical and or oral acne treatments to supplement their other methods
but the point is that no topical or oral acne treatment will be as effective without partnering it with a healthy lifestyle.
read more “Be Proactive With Acne Treatment”

Many people think they know what causes acne
the inflammation of skin pores that results in problems such as blackheads
whiteheads or pimples
primarily in teenagers. There are a lot of misconceptions about acne though. Officially common acne is known as acne vulgaris. And in explaining it
the answer becomes bit complicated.

Acne is an inflamed disease of the skin
and it has many causes
one of which is bacteria in the pores of the skin. The body in many ways becomes allergic to this type of bacteria. This attracts while blood cells to fight the allergy
and the pores become blocked. Oil secretions will build up and provide a breeding ground for even more bacteria. Then pimples will form. These red bumps resemble small boils
which fill with a nasty puss caused by the body fighting the infection of the bacteria.

There is probably no perfect cure for acne other than outgrowing it but there are a number nothing that can be done to lessen the physical effects.

remember that for many years
people thought that acne was caused by poor hygiene and by eating certain foods. Fried foods and chocolate were especially blamed for acne
probably because teenagers eat fried foods and chocolate commonly
but that may have been blaming the messenger for the message. There is no scientific evidence linking diet to acne.

while personal hygiene is important and a good thing
over washing can damage skin and actually make acne worse. But good hygiene and a good diet can't hurt
and they might just help a little. Also using makeup that doesn't clog pores but can at least assist the body in not making acne worse.

Treatments that kill the bacteria that cause acne included the use of antibiotics like tetracycline
doxycycline and minocyclne
which are taken orally. Also topical antibiotics or bactericides like Benzoyl peroxide or erythromycin can help. The bacteria also known as "P. acnes"
does however become resistant to the antibiotics eventually. However Benzoyl peroxide
an oxidizer
does not seem to generate resistance by the bacteria. While the acne will come back
it is a short term and temporary cure and is applied topically.

Exfoliating the skin can also help. This method can be done by using a cloth or a liquid scrub
or by using certain chemicals. Chemical exfoliating substances include salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Both of these agents cause a peeling of the top layer of skin
which prevents a build up of dead skin which blocks pores when combined with oil. This in turn
makes a breeding ground for bacteria.

Another over the counter remedy is salicylic acid
which softens skin and gets rid of dead skin cells
which in turn unclogs pores. Many face wash products contain this ingredient. Also sulfur contained in many over the counter products works well for many people. Another product is glycolic acid
which is found in anti-aging products as well as acne medicines.

There are also a number of natural remedies that can fight acne and the bacteria that causes it. Tea tree oil is gaining in popularity. It kills the bacteria and also reduces redness and inflammation. It works much the same as Benzoyl peroxide but causes less skin irritation and is carried at health food stories.

Acupuncture is used by some and is thought to alleviate hormonal imbalances n the body. Those who use acupuncture also usually suggest lifestyle changes and a change n diet
including cutting back on dairy products.

Light therapy is another natural remedy to fight the bacteria that has many adherents. Many people believe that the bacteria that causes acne insensitive to light in the blue wavelength of the light spectrum. Light therapy means shining blue light onto a patient for fifteen minutes at a time twice a week
usually for four weeks. This treatment can be expenses
running about $150 per treatment. Not all patients have had good results
but some have. Also since light in this wavelength is not harmful to the skin
there are no side effects or after effects.

Fighting the bacteria that causes acne is of major concern for many medical professionals
and surely with time they will find more and better ways to do so. In the meantime
the treatments listed here can help many people.
read more “Bacteria - How Acne Develops”

Back acne – you might not see it
but if you have it
you'll certainly feel it. And although not everyone will get acne on their backs
this condition is common enough to have earned the nickname
'bacne'. Sounds funny but it isn't really. The back area is home to thousands of sebaceous glands and each one is busy producing a lot of oil. Tight-fitting clothing and clothing made from fabrics that don't allow the skin to breathe are two of the biggest instigators of back acne. Even wearing a backpack has been attributed to triggering bouts of back acne.

These types of clothing and accessories trap the oil that's being constantly produced by the sebaceous glands on the back. And just like the acne that appears on other parts of the body
when the sebaceous gland gets clogged
dead skin cells become trapped inside the hair follicles and soon
bacteria is on its way
inflaming the tissues surrounding the affected areas and causing acne.

Any type of acne can appear on the back including whiteheads and blackheads
pustules (the surface type)
papules (a bit deeper) or the acne can form deep in the skin and cause acne cysts. Back acne doesn't seem to be triggered by hereditary
stress or a poor diet
but long hair has been known to aggravate the pores on the back. If you have long hair and back acne
you might want to keep your hair off your back.

Back Acne Treatments

The skin that covers the back is much thicker than the skin that covers the other parts of the body where acne is prone to appear. And because of this difference in skin thickness
the treatment regime for 'bacne' is going to be different.

It's still very important to keep the back clean and the best way is to bathe or shower frequently
especially after working out. Use a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic acid. If you've never used one before
now is the time to learn how to gently use a loofah so you can begin removing those dead skin cells (also known as exfoliating).

After washing and drying the skin
apply a topical product that contains benzoyl peroxide to the areas on the back that are affected by acne and be sure to allow the product to fully absorb into the skin (it can stain clothing). Also
it's important to only treat the areas that have acne
rather than slathering the product all over the back. You don't want the skin on your back to become excessively dry. If you dry out the skin
you'll have to moisturize and that could cause more acne. If you cannot reach the affected areas
have someone apply the product for you.

That's all you really need to treat back acne. Most people don't wash their backs as well as they should so changing this bad habit will produce almost immediate results. Of course if your back acne is severe
you should consult with a dermatologist.
read more “Back Acne - A What You Need To Know Guide”

one of the most common skin conditions
affects more than four out of five people between the ages of 12 and 24. With summer and wedding season under way
you may want to learn more about acne by seeing if you know the correct answers to these commonly asked questions:

Q. Will frequent face washing eliminate acne?

A. Although a popular belief
dirty skin does not cause acne
and frequent face washing and scrubbing can actually make acne worse.

Q. Is acne caused by poor nutritional choices?

A. Scientific studies have not found a clear link between diet and acne. In other words
chocolate or greasy foods do not cause or worsen acne in most people. If acne is being treated appropriately
there's no need to worry about certain foods leading to a breakout.

Q. Will squeezing pimples make them go away quicker?

A. No. It is recommended that those with acne avoid squeezing
pinching or picking at the face. Any sort of skin friction created by rubbing or leaning can actually make acne worse.

Q. Is acne just part of adolescence?

A. Although many teens are affected by acne
it is important to know that acne may be improved with proper treatment. Teens with acne should see a family doctor or dermatologist for the appropriate treatment. Acne that is not treated may lead to permanent physical scars
which can affect how people feel about themselves.

Q. Are all acne medications the same?

A. No. There is a wide range of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications that can be used to help treat acne. Some medications help reduce the buildup of too much oil and fight bacteria associated with pimples; other medications help unclog the pores. The number-one prescribed combination acne product in the U.S. is BenzaClinฎ (clindamycin 1 percent-benzoyl peroxide 5 percent gel)
a combination of benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin that helps fight bacteria and reduces inflammation of pimples. Because acne varies from patient to patient
it is important that people with acne consult their physician to find out which type of treatment is best for them.

Dr. Kandula
a dermatology expert
is currently president of the St. Louis Dermatology Society and teaches at the Washington School of Medicine.

It is important to know that acne may be improved with treatment and those suffering from it can do something about it.

Dr. Kandula
read more “Ask The Expert About Preventing Seasonal Acne”

As mature people
our hormones are supposed to be in check but hormonal imbalances are one of the major causes of adult acne. Usually the blemishes appear in women during pregnancy or during a monthly cycle.

Although the pimples typically clear up without treatment
it is a good idea to consult with your doctor about checking for hormonal imbalances that may be a cause for adult acne.

Other things that may factor in to a less than perfect complexion include a proper diet and this includes water intake. Some argue that diet is not directly connected to breakouts

I am convinced that it is one of the causes of adult acne. My face breaks out if I eat junk food and if I do not drink enough water. This usually occurs over a course of a few days and in combination.

The latter is more significant as one of the causes of adult acne because I have gotten away with snacking on junk food without breakouts if I drank enough water.

Men also show signs that there is a chemical imbalance that needs to be considered in the search for the causes of adult acne. Hair loss is tell-tale sign that significant changes are occurring in a man’s system.

Women are not exempt from the worries of hair loss
either. If you are having both hair loss and breakouts
you may want to consult with a doctor who can tell you if there is a connection.

Keeping track of your mood and your diet can help you discover the causes of adult acne. Sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. It may take a little time and effort
but you may be surprised that the causes of adult acne are really manageable.

One way to tell if hormones are at play is to consider other signs of an imbalance. For example
hormones may factor in as causes for adult acne if they appear along with a severe case of premenstrual syndrome.

There is no such thing as a case of PMS that is not severe
at least according to my husband. You may be able to address both the PMS problems and the blemish problems at once. This could lead to a very happy
pimple-free home.

Many mature people remember the days when blemishes and pimples were significant sources of anxiety. One of the benefits of getting older is losing the worry of waking up with a new pimple or waking up with a cluster of them. Acne is usually associated with adolescence.

Puberty is a time of hormonal disarray and epidermal awakenings. However
many adults are faced with the adolescent curse. In order for mature individuals to treat breakouts
it is necessary to explore the causes of adult acne.

There are a few things to consider when breakouts are no longer part of a rite of passage. The causes of adult acne do not necessarily revolve around a person’s facial cleaning regimen.

Just because you cleanse your face does not mean that you will be blemish-free. The breakouts are usually a message that causes for adult acne are working internally. You internal workings are literally worn on your face.
read more “Are You Too Old For Acne”

Acne is a problem that affects not just teenagers but adults also. If you are in need of relief
there are a multitude of products
etc. on the market help you. The first trip should be to your local boxmart (Wal-Mart
etc) or local grocer. Why? Each of these locations typically has a licensed pharmacist on staff. They usually
key on the word usually
are more than willing to help you identify products that work well vs. those that do not. If the pharmacist at one location is not helpful
try another. You can do this from you own home via the phone. No need to drive all over the place. Another solution to check out are so called natural remedies. These “natural” remedies are usually natural items such as everyday foods
etc. The claim is that certain combinations of these ingredients act in such a way that the effect will reduce acne.

Before you run off and do these items
there are other things you should check into. Although doctors and scientists cannot say for sure what exactly causes acne
there are several things that are at the top of the list of suspects.

Medications - Many believe that Acne can be a side effect of some drugs
including barbiturates
seizure medication and steroids. Interestingly enough some believe that birth control pills cause acne while others prescribe birth-control as a medication for acne.

Chocolate - Many now believe that chocolate cannot cause acne outbreaks. Still
there are those who are staunch believers that chocolate causes outbreaks. The debate rages on.

Stress - While stress may not be a cause of acne
many people believe that stress can aggravate acne. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress.

Washing your face too often - While acne sufferers should keep their face clean
too much washing or harsh scrubbing will actually aggravate the skin causing acne to occur

Using greasy skin care products and oily cosmetics. Acne occurs when the pores become plugged up. Therefore
one can assume that any product that covers up the face in anyway may block the pores and the natural release of sebum may help cause acne flare-ups.

Environmental Irritants - Think of it
pollution is an unnatural containment. Being in a high pollution area can cause several reactions in the body
including acne. It is also thought that high humidity can cause acne outbreaks. High humidity can cause the skin to swell thereby blocking those pores.

Your Diet - Your diet
(what you eat) can have significant impact on acne outbreaks. Excessive dairy products
fatty foods
etc. are thought to have an impact on acne breakouts as well as a lack of zinc in your diet. Zinc supplements are often prescribed to treat acne.

As always
each person is different. You may have noticed that certain foods seem to have more of an impact on your acne than others. If you are unsure
pay closer attention to your diet and keep track of your acne outbreaks.

Of course
you should always consult with your dermatologist/doctor.
read more “Are you in Need of Acne Relief”

The teen years are a trying time for any person. Although the worries and cares of adulthood are still far into the future
the teen is not exactly a happy and relaxed person. The carelessness and ignorance of childhood makes room for rebellion and questions about one’s values and place in the world. Looking for their own road through life teens feel insecure and
often enough
misunderstood. Unfortunately
if the search for a place under the sun is not enough
teenagers also have to deal with other problems
such as acne. This unsightly condition is the bane of many teenagers because of the effects it has at psychological level.

It doesn’t take a lot to foster a negative self image in a teenager. Most of them are at least somewhat insecure about their outward appearance because of various real or imaginary blemishes. But a real condition that causes true discomfort and mars a young face is something else altogether. The fragile self image and self respect of teenagers are hard pressed to cope with the pressure exerted by the opinions of others and the comparisons with various role-models that teenagers find for themselves. In extreme cases
the negative self image turns into self hatred and the disfiguring condition is seen as a cruel instrument of self punishment for failing to rise up to some standard or other.

Teenagers live in small worlds. Parents
friends and the amorphous group of half-familiar school mates are the limits of their social lives. Naturally
teenagers tend to attach more importance to the praise or criticism coming from their friends or school mates
on grounds that parents love you anyway and are fatally biased. But
since teens can be very cruel to each other
the criticism of school mates is frequently unkind and meant to hurt. This serves to increase the feelings of anxiety
insecurity and self hatred
resulting in withdrawal from the social environment into a private world of pain and shame.

Teenagers are terribly earnest about outward appearances and criticism. They are still away from the age when human beings come to terms with themselves and are no longer much interested in what others say or think. Hiding one’s body or face and feeling ashamed just because somebody else said that this is the thing to do is a mistake and teenagers should be helped to see this. Acne can be defeated with persistence and by using the right products. However
the psychological effects of acne must also be fought
or else they may never go away. The teenager who hated himself for having pimples on his face will turn into the adult who hates himself for being a little overweight or not making as much money as some co-worker.

The feeling of discomfort and shame with oneself does not always go away in time. Sometimes it just finds a new problem to act as its power source. This is the lasting effect of acne: a poor self image
a lack of confidence and a feeling of being at a disadvantage when comparing oneself to other people. These moods and mindsets can ruin anybody’s social life and often they also get in the way of professional development. Unfortunately
acne is not just skin deep.
read more “Are the lasting effects of acne more than just skin deep”

Getting Anti wrinkles is a normal process as a person grows older. Once a person starts becoming older he starts facing number of anti-aging problems. One of such anti-aging problem is getting wrinkles below the eye. Now days many people are worried about their looks and are trying different ways to look younger. Today
one can find different products and treatments to look younger than they actually are. One of the best ways to overcome such a problem is making use of anti wrinkle eye creams.

Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream is an effective way to prevent your eyes from developing wrinkles. It helps the skin around the eyes to firm and helps in diminishing dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. The eye wrinkle cream will help you to tackle the problems of eye puffiness
anti aging of the skin around the eyes
developing dark circles

Anti Wrinkle eye cream is made up of many such essential ingredients that help to reduce wrinkles and roughness caused to the skin near the eyes due to over exposure to the sun. The area around the eye is the most vulnerable area for aging. The vitamins present in the eye cream helps to reduce the anti wrinkle process and helps a person to look younger. They protect the skin from getting more damaged by the skin deteriorating cells in the air. While the natural extracts in the cream helps to rebuild the cells of the skin.
read more “Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream Look younger than what you are”

n a book I read by William L. Fischer called Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at Any Age
Book II
I learn how to do herbal footbaths.

In chapter 10
The F-M Circulizer System
Fischer discusses the use of an herbal footbath. After reading this chapter
I realized how herbs in a footbath could improve your skin and help you eliminate acne.

This book was written in 1986 and Fischer claims herbal footbaths have been in use overseas since 1946!

you can do either a footbath or a hand bath. Once you prepare a container with hot water you can put your feet or hands into it and get the same results.

If you already have foot spa
thank your mother
or whoever bought it because you’re in for a treat. If you don’t
with $20 or $30 you can get one just like I did.

When you use a heated footbath
veins in your feet start to expand. Over a period of 15-20 minute
the warm water affects your entire vascular (blood) system and you get improved blood circulation.

By adding an herbal infusion into the hot water in the footbath
minerals and other phytochemicals from the herbs enter the soles of your feet and into your blood stream.

This means that you can introduce herbal phytochemicals into your blood stream using the footbath. During your footbath
these herbal chemicals quickly circulated throughout your body and get to work neutralizing acid
killing bacteria
and improving your skin circulation.

Here is an herbal combination you can use. This herbal combination was taken and modified slightly from a book written by Daniel B. Mowrey
called The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine
Mowrey says

“This (herbal) blend attacks external skin disorders from within
purifying the blood
carrying away waste
reinforcing the blood’s ability to ward off infectious agents.”

The herbal combination to use is

* Dandelion root – purifies blood and improves liver function
* Yellow dock root – purifies blood
helps liver
is anti-bacterial
* Saraparilla root – has antibiotic action
promotes waste elimination through urine and sweating
* Echinacea – increases immunity and promotes skin healing
* Licorice – protects the liver so that it can detoxify the blood better
* Kelp – provide minerals and vitamins and binds heavy metal that are bad for health
* Chaparral – is anti-microbial making effective against acne.
* Fresh Garlic – cut up a few cubes of garlic and place them into the hot water. Garlic is has antibacterial properties.

Buy one ounce of each herb and mix them.

Here’s how to do the herbal footbath

* Place 2-3 tablespoons of herbal mix into 1 ฝ cups of water
* Boil the water with herbs – use only a glass
or stainless steel container
* After water starts to boil
pull the container off the stove
* Let tea sit for 15-30 minutes. The longer the tea sits the stronger the tea and its effects
* Prepare your foot spa with water
* Strain the tea to remove leaves and roots
* Poor tea and cut garlic into the foot spa
* Place your feet or hands in the hot water for 15 – 30 minutes.

I have been using a foot spa for many different conditions for my family and myself. I really like using the footbath. It is a convenient way to by pass your digestive system and get more nutrients into your body
read more “An Acne Herbal Hand and Footbath”

Are you searching for the best skin care method to correct an acne problem? There are
in fact
several "anti-acne" steps you can follow when caring for your skin. Most acne reducing skin care tips are inexpensive and based on common sense.

When washing your skin
do so gently. Limit these cleanings to once in the morning and once at night. (It is also wise to wash after exercise
as well.) Do NOT use strong soap or a rough scrubbing cloth
when caring for your skin. Doing so will only make your acne problem worse.

Dermatologists suggest that you should avoid the use astringents unless your skin is extremely oily. If you feel an astringent is a necessary part of your skin care regiment
use ONLY on oily areas. If you have a problem with oily hair
it is helpful to wash it daily.

It is strongly recommended that those with acne avoid frequent exposure to the sun and visits to a tanning salon. It may seem as though these two activities are helpful when practicing proper skin care
but that is untrue. The results of each are temporary. Sunburn or tanned skin only help to hide an acne problem.

Do NOT squeeze or "pop" skin blemishes. This can cause permanent scaring and the appearance of dark splotches
on the skin. (Not something you want have for the rest of your life.)

Men who have acne should use care when shaving. Either an electric or safety razor can be used. Those who choose a safety razor should always use a sharp blade and soften their beard with soap and water
before applying shaving cream.

It won't happen overnight
but as long as you are consistent
you will start to see an improvement. If you have acne
proper skin care is the first step to controlling the problem.
read more “Amazingly Simple Skin Care Tips For People With Acne”

Everyday numerous acne suffers turn to alternative methods to treat their acne. The two main reasons for the growing popularity of such treatments are; people looking for medication with less harmful side effects then tradition acne treatments. Secondly are the people who have been unsuccessful with the various over the counter and prescription options. Generally alternative treatments are not regulated by the FDA and hence you will not receive much guidance from medical doctors on their use. Word of month and the alternative medical community is the main source of information on such options.

For teenage girls and women herbs that balance hormone levels such as chaste berry
black cohosh
dong quai
evening primrose
wild yam
and red clover are quite commonly tried. Herbalists believe that these herbs balance the female sex hormone estrogen and will counterbalance the hormone androgen. Since androgen is believed to trigger excess sebrum production
which can cause hair follicles to clog and acne to form
acne could be prevented or reduced.

Herbs that are thought to help reduce inflammation and infection can be used for both male and female acne suffers. Echinacea
dandelion root
and burdock are all thought to contain properties that help with the above by killing bacteria. The herbs salvia and red peony are also used sometimes to help acne suffers improve their skins ability to heal.

Vitamin B5 also known as pantothenic acid is a commonly used vitamin to treat acne. It become widely popular after Dr. Leung a Hong Kong acne expert published a paper on its effectiveness. His paper was based on the theory that acne sufferers are deficient in vitamin B. The result is excess sebum production
the root cause of clogged hair follicles leading to acne. Dr Leung also tested his theory through a clinical trial where 100 acne suffers were given 10g of B5 daily
after six months Dr. Leung’s test group had a ninety percent success rate.

Topical treatments such as tea tree oil and seaweed
which are both believed to have powerful antibacterial properties are also widely regarded as being effective on acne inflammations. Tea tree oil comes from the ti tree in Australia and seaweed from the oceans.

A common belief is that controlling stress reduces the severity of acne. So anything you can do to alleviate stress will help. Many acne suffers turn to exercise for stress relief
yoga being very popular. Aromatherapy can also be used in stress relief
along with acupuncture
and meditation.

While the predominate reason many people turn to alternative acne treatments is to reduce the harmful side effects of tradition medicines the reverse may actually be true. Caution should be used before trying any alternative treatments. They may have adverse side effects not common known due to the lack of regulations on most alternative treatments.
read more “Alternative Acne Treatments A Brief Users Guide For Parents Teens And The Rest Of Us.”

Acne is a skin condition from which most of us have suffered at one time or another
especially in our teens
but for most people it lasted only for a year or two. However it is possible to have this common condition at any time in your life
and many people are plagued by acne throughout their adult lives
and find themselves in an endless search for a drug or product which will end their problem for ever.

Acne itself is a condition caused by excess oil in the skin
and this oil breaks down into fatty acids which cause the skin to inflame. This normally takes place on the face and neck
but can also create more serious scars in addition to the common spots and pimples.

There are many natural and alternative acne treatments available in preference to the conventional chemical acne creams and lotions. Although not technically an alternative acne treatment
as a first step it is advisable to analyze your diet as this can often contribute significantly to the condition. Avoiding processed and prepackaged food is advisable for all of us
regardless of any skin conditions
but an unprocessed food diet should be particularly beneficial for those suffering from acne. Fried and fatty oily food and food cooked in vegetable oils will contribute to the oils which cause acne
but healthy oils such as those contained in fish such as sardines can be consumed
these are known as Omega 3 oils.

A healthy diet will also improve how your body processes food and integral to this is drinking lots of water. Most of us do not drink enough water
only getting part of our necessary intake though the water contained in other products and beverages. Drinking water
up to 10 glasses a day or more
will help to cleanse your system of many of the oils and toxins which may contribute to acne.

Another alternative acne treatment with potential benefits is increasing your vitamin intake. This can be done by buying vitamin tablets and supplements
but care must be taken as high levels of vitamins in the body can also be harmful. Vitamin A supplements can help with acne but as with all supplements they should be taken in moderation and preferably in consultation with your doctor. Similarly Zinc is often seen as an aid to alleviating acne symptoms
as it can help inflammation reduction and helps the immune system which protects against infection. Zinc can be found in foods such as liver eggs and seafood in particular. There are other products created from herbs which are reportedly able to help acne sufferers.

Overall the best advice to those afflicted by acne who want to avoid conventional chemical treatments is to start with a healthy diet
and give this new regime a chance to work. Locate one of the many sites or books outlining a healthy eating plan concentrating on those foods which contain little fatty vegetable oils and significant omega 3 oils
and critically drink lots of water. This simple change may be enough to alleviate many of your acne symptoms.
read more “Alternative Acne Treatment - Drug Free Solutions”

For some people
acne represents nothing more than the key to the door into adulthood - almost a rite of passage as the body changes. As the most common disease in the world
it is often taken for granted that spots
blackheads and greasy skin will stake their temporary claim on the faces of almost everyone in the world.

for approximately 15% of people
these spots will persist
or be widespread and scarring. With surprisingly poor
inadequate information available to teenagers about acne management
many do not even realise the pharmacy assistant and pharmacist are able to provide help.

How much do you really know about acne and its causes? Do you know that there is no proven link with diet and acne? Did you realise that not everyone grows out of having acne
with 5% of women and 1% of men in their 40's still suffering from a 'teenage' problem?

What are the Common Acne Myths?

The starting point of correct acne management should start from clearing up the myths:

Acne is caused by food. Scientific studies have not found a link between diet and acne. Prisoners in the United States were enrolled on a trial to determine whether chocolate had a direct effect upon the sebaceous glands. At the end of the trial
it was concluded that acne was not affected by chocolate consumption. However
it is always sensible to advise a healthy
balanced diet
whilst reassuring that food will not affect acne.

Acne is contagious. Doctors have studied the effect of extracting pus from one spot and injecting it directly into unaffected skin. This experiment concluded that it did not spread spots.

Acne is caused by dirt. Spots are caused by activity beneath the skin and therefore surface dirt will play only a small role in the formation of acne. People think that the black in a blackhead is caused by dirt
but it is the skin's natural melanin
which turns black once it comes into contact with the air. Some people will even claim that over-washing can cause acne
but this may be hard to prove.

Acne is caused by too many hormones. Hormones have a large role to play in the formation of acne
but it is easy to misunderstand this as the body producing too many hormones. In one acne clinic held at a top Leeds centre for acne research
all patients attending that day's clinic were asked to provide a blood sample
which was later analysed for hormone levels. There was no significant increase in male hormones in these patients
which suggested that it is therefore sensitivity to male hormones present in normal levels in the skin that is to blame.

Everyone grows out of acne. Acne usually has a four to eight year timeline from start to finish. If you get it when you are 12 you should se the end of it between 16 and 20. The average age range for acne is 14 to 22. However Acne can persist into adulthood and 8% of acne sufferers are over 40 It is rare to have acne for a lifetime
but some people will not grow out of their acne. Research from Leeds University suggests that acne lasts on average for eight years.

Acne and spots are not same. Many people will try to distinguish between acne and spots. In fact
acne is just the medical name doctors give for spots. However
someone with the occasional
mild spot would not be described as having clinical acne. Approximately 15% of all people who have 'spots' will require further help from a doctor to treat their skin.

Stress causes acne. The ordinary stress in day to day living is not an important factor in acne. Only situations of extreme stress
such as divorce
exams or death of a close family member may induce acne or make existing acne worse; however this is not common and will usually respond well to usual acne treatments.

read more “All You Ever Wanted To Know About Acne - The Definitive Guide Part 1”

Everybody knows what acne is
but what about acne rosacea? It is a condition that affects many around the world
including such recent world leaders as former president Bill Clinton and Russian prime minister Boris Yeltsin. Acne rosacea is a chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin and particularly facial area. It causes the face to have a rough complexion with multiple small acne patches on the forehead
and cheeks. It is more commonly found in men where it causes the skin on the nose to swell and thicken. Untreated
this swelling of the nose could eventually lead to a condition called rhinophyma. There are many factors that pertain to rosacea outbreaks. Two of the most common causes are consuming alcoholic beverages and consuming rich
spicy foods. If someone thinks they may be suffering from acne rosacea
they should consult a physician
as its symptoms are similar to a more serious condition known as Lupus.

Acne rosacea makes the face and skin more sensitive than healthy
uninjured skin. It attacks the skin through the stratum corneum
the outermost layer of skin. It is made up of dead skin cells that are held in place by keratin
a protein found in the body. The stratum corneum keeps molecules from passing in and out of the outer-most layer and protects the under layers of the skin
making them less susceptible to skin sensitivity. Healthy
unaffected skin has a lower chance of being irritated by skin care products. With acne rosacea
the skin tissue becomes more susceptible to irritations from damaged nerve endings or an excess of neurotransmitters. As the condition worsens
the skin can no longer protect the nerve endings adequately. Even though a healthy immune system and repeated moisturizing will help to minimize these effects
some additional steps may still need to be taken.

People who suffer from acne rosacea should avoid using products that will dry out the skin
such as alcohol. Instead they should try a solution such as Proactive or other similar alcohol-free cleansers. Other products such as Clearasil or Oxy-5 contain the ingredients benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid
which are known to be agents that fight off acne. If in combination with any other products
such as retinoid
users should discontinue the topical application of products
as it may further dry out and irritate the skin.

It is also important to remember to be gentler when washing your face. Acne rosacea patients should not think that scrubbing harder is going to be any better. It is also important not to wash and clean the face an excessive amount of times. It is basically about using a gently exfoliating product
such as Proactive or Nuetrogena
and taking the care to do it right. Acne rosacea patients should use gentle cleansing products and also protect their sensitive skin with a dye-free moisturizer containing petrolatum
or aloe vera. All of these ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties
which will help keep the skin moisturized and protected. Applying a light coat of this to the affected area before going outdoors
particularly in the sun
will help minimize acne outbreaks.

Acne rosacea can stay with a person
especially men
for their entire lives. But it doesn’t necessarily have to. It does go away naturally in many cases
so in the meantime; take a little care to keep it at a minimum.
read more “All About Acne Rosacea”

Skin problems not only effect those in their teens
adult acne is also a very common occurrence
in today's society. Adult women are more apt to suffer from acne than men. Adult men are at higher risk in terms of permanent scaring
caused by acne problems. Contrary to what most people think
adult acne is NOT caused by improper hygiene.

In truth
acne is caused by a number of different things. Oily skin
hair ducts that do not close as they should and infection are three key factors which lead to skin problems. These factors remain the same
in both adults and teens. (How's that for thinking you wouldn't get acne
because you are an adult.)

Pimples occur when dead skin
small deposits of fatty tissue and keratin get clogged in a hair duct. When the duct is open
this clogging produces a "blackhead". When the duct is closed
it is referred to as a "whitehead". Because a whitehead is closed
in most cases
it will eventually rupture. This bursting causes the redness and infection of adult acne.

There are many myths associated with adult acne. Dermatologists tell us that acne is not caused by eating chocolate
fish or oily foods. Stress
in itself
does not cause acne. However
there are certain stress-relieving drugs that have been known to cause skin conditions.

Acne does not clear up faster if you wash your face several times a day or sit out in the sun. Acne is not caused by dirt. Washing your face many times a day can actually do more harm than good. Sitting in the sun only darkens your skin and can cause scaring.

if you are battling a skin condition
you are not alone. There are numerous ways to treat the problem. You do not have to live with adult acne forever!
read more “Adults Don t Get Acne Do They”

When searching for adult acne treatments that will help you eliminate your stubborn adult acne and on-going blemish breakouts
you need to look back in your life and ask yourself some lifestyle changing questions so you can find the best solution for your acne eliminating needs!

If you have suffered with acne breakouts your entire teenage years
you may understand what needs to be done for the treatment of your pimples
or you may know exactly the treatment product necessary for elimination and daily maintenance.

if you had clear skin as a teen
and now that your body is changing due to hormones or pregnancy
you may suddenly experience a change in your complexion and may not know exactly how to handle the new changes in your skin.

When your pimple breakouts occur
if you notice you're getting an increase in blackheads and whiteheads in combination to excess blemishes
try to think back and remember how your skin has been in the past. If your skin was clear due to good eating habits
low stress levels
and you were getting at least 8 hours or more of sleep prior to getting your adult acne
then that's the first place you want to start.

For example: As a teenager
if you slept more than eight hours a day
drank plenty of water
and you ate more vegetables and fruit
and now as an adult you only get 4 hours of sleep
you drink less water
and you’re not eating the same level of fruits and veggies
then you may want to adjust these areas first. If you change these habits
and notice no change
you then have to go to the next step
and make an appointment to see a dermatologist.

When All Else Fails
Visit A Dermatologist To Get The Bottom Of Your Adult Acne Issues!

If you can’t figure out why you’re still having skin problems after you made necessary internal lifestyle changes
then you should see the skin professionals to find out what’s causing your stubborn adult zits
and you may be enlightened once you visit your local dermatologist.

Depending on the severity of your skin condition
you may soon find out the condition you have is caused by several circumstances. For women
acne and increased blemishes can be easily caused by hormonal changes due to pregnancy. A woman that is pregnant will have to look at alternative safe skin programs
and natural skin products would be a place to start. Women with hormonal changes that are not currently going through a pregnancy can look at other options such as oral acne medication or antibiotics
but keep in mind that this method should not be a long-term solution
so if you can avoid internal medication
look at other alternatives.

Men are somewhat different
and in most cases
increased acne causing a blemished complexion could be the lack of facial care
or mental stress in your life. For men in general
a good blemish cleansing and facial exfoliating routine combined with a healthy diet are the first steps to follow; however
we encourage that men see a skin doctor to assess their adult skin problems.

Acne and aging is a complex situation
and there is never one solution to every individual adult suffering from pimple breakouts. There are many contributing factors such as your body’s changes during puberty
and for women
even the type of cosmetics you may be applying to your face. Your facial skin consists of thousands of pores
skin and oil. Any negative balance
and you have a recipe for facial infections
plus outbreaks that can lead to many skin imperfections and severe scarring for a very long time.

We touched briefly on what may contribute to your adult acne
and some of the changes that may be occuring in your body internally and also externally. Now
to find out how you can start a program to eliminate your adult blemish problem: I encourage you to read our article on where I break down some of the top adult acne systems that target stubborn facial and body acne.
read more “Adult Acne Treatments When Adults Are Searching For The Best Treatments It All Starts With A System”

Just when you thought you'd finally got through all the skin problems related to puberty
you wake up one day and find acne. If you ask a dermatologist
you will find out acne is not just a problem for teens. Fortunately
there are some treatments that will help you fight adult acne successfully.

Adult Acne Facts

Doctors say adult acne is a common problem
but unfortunately an under-recognized one. Most people think acne it just for kids
but it can happen in later years too. It is more common in women than in men. Statistics show that acne affects about 25% of all adult men and 50% of all adult women at some point during their adult life.

At the bottom of acne lies the pimple
which doctors call comedo. A pimple is a plug of fat
skin debris and keratin stuck in a hair duct. When it is open
we call it a blackhead and when it's closed over
a whitehead. Whiteheads can cause the walls of the hair duct to rupture
leading to redness
infection and cysts of acne.

Many people think that acne is a result of poor hygiene
but this is not true. Both adult and teen acne are caused by a combination of many factors
such as excess oil production
faulty closing of the hair duct or infection. Washing your face gently only twice a day is actually much better than washing it more often.

Adult Acne Treatment

You can choose between an adult acne treatment in a dermatologist's office or at home. However
squeezing pimples at home often leads to infection and scars. Squeezing pimples is also a very effective way to get your acne to spread. Doctors
on the other hands
use special sterile instruments to prevent infection
scarring and acne spread.

Another solution is to check your local drug store for adult acne treatments. If you've ever tried this
you know it's loaded with such products. With so many options available
choosing the right adult acne treatment can be quite difficult.

A great progress in adult acne treatment has been the producing of the topical retinoid acid
a modified form of vitamin A. Improved versions of this medicine greatly reduce the irritation it can cause. Other acne treatments fight against different causes of acne. They are sometimes used in combination. Such acne treatments include:

* Azelaic acid cream

* Benzoyl peroxide

* Alpha-hydroxy acids (such as lactic acid
glycolic acid and gluconic acid)

* Antibiotic pills (of used unwisely
they can lead to antibiotic resistance)

* Topical antibiotics (gels
lotions and solutions)

* Contraceptive pills for women

* Sotret or Accutane for severe acne

Accutane and Sotret have several side effects
including birth defects. Women with severe acne problems that choose these treatments should use alternative birth control. Despite the side effects they have
these treatments are probably the best choice for sever acne.
read more “Adult Acne Treatment - What You Should Take Care Of”

Acne has always been a dreaded occurrence in our life. Most of us have carried this burden in our teenage years and after almost seven teenage years we think we are finally home free. Then one morning in your twenty sixth
twenty seventh or even twenty eighth year of your existence you wake up with a huge zit on you face. And even worst
sometimes it is not just one but two or even three or even four! And they just keep on sprouting like weeds in an inhibited garden! So you wonder
I’m already an adult so why

Adult acne is more common than we thought. Almost five percent of adults have adult acne mostly in their twenties
thirties and even forties and beyond. Adult acne can be found in the face and sometimes even on the neck and on the chest and back area. There are many reasons for the occurrence of these devils incarnates and we will enumerate them here plus ways on how to outsmart them.

Adult Acne Source Number 1: those pesky hormones

And we all thought we are done with having problems caused by them! Apparently
they still have a last attack. Experts still can’t pinpoint the main reason why our oil glands are more prone to breakouts because of hormonal shifts in this age line. Unfortunately
these up and down hormonal shifts are the main culprit in adult acne. But fortunately
there’s an easy cure for these shifts and that is the common birth control pill. But take note that this is not applicable to you if you are pregnant. For stubborn and hard to kill zits
you may also use medication that has the ingredient retinoids that can help unclog those pores. If still doesn’t work then it’s high time to up your ammunition. Use antibiotics (may be topical or even oral) to reduce the swelling.

Adult Acne Source Number 2: stress

Stress is also a major source of adult acne. But we can’t help it
can we? Our world is full of stress inducing situation and things that it is already a part of our daily lives. We have bills to pay
kids to feed and a house to clean. So much stress we endure in a day that it results to the dreaded adult acne. This happens because stress triggers the body to secrete cortisol that results in the secretion of more hormones thus resulting to zits. So what do we do when the bump pops? Relax! Do some de-stressing. Go on a vacation or just spend a day doing nothing. Eat right
sleep right and do your exercise routine regularly. If your darn acne are still there after doing these things for a month or two then it is high time to see your dermatologist for some treatment and prescription.

Adult Acne Source Number 3: Daily Grooming Products

It is a fact that as we grow older we tend to become more vain especially in our twenties to thirties when we are still finding our ideal mate. We tend to use a lot of products to make ourselves more attractive to the opposite sex. Unfortunately
this only results to adult acne as these products tend to block pores which can result to zits erupting like crazy in our pretty little faces. How ironic
isn’t it? We bought and used these products to make ourselves more pretty only to have these little craters embed in our face. So what to do? Simplify! You don’t need all these products to make yourself pretty. Just use basics like moisturizer
cleanser and sun block. Purchase cosmetics that are noncomedogenic and make sure that they are oil free especially your moisturizer. And always remember your acne 101: do not touch your face or rest your pretty little chin in your grubby little hands!
read more “Adult Acne Solved”

A common misconception about acne is that it only afflicts teens and people in the adolescent age group. However the truth is that a large number of adults do suffer from it. This leads to physical
psychological and social effects on persons suffering from acne.

This effects can be long-lasting and cause problems. With adults
acne leaves behind permanent and ugly scars since as the skin ages and loses collagen
it takes longer for the scars to heal.

It may be hard to diagnose psychological effects due to common misconceptions that accompany them. For instance it would be logical to say that the psychological effects of adult acne is easier to deal with since the person has matured and is not prone to teenage tantrums. However in actual reality the psychological effect in adults may be even worse
since this is a condition perceived to be specific to teens.

Nowadays it is easier for adults to seek treatment from dermatologists as acne continues being recognized as a problem not confined only to teens but also to adults. Sales of over-the counter treatments have increased as well as awareness about adult acne.

Research into adult acne has been extensively applied to determine it's causes and effects on older patients. this directly leads to increased awareness about the condition and makes it easier for more people to seek treatment.

Nowadays information about the condition is readily available from the web
medical journals and publication. This means that the public can better understand it and how to combat it. More care is also given to the psychological effects it has on adults. Remember that they
just like teens are affected by people's attitudes towards them and how they are perceived.

In summary
the key to treating this affliction is to understand what causes it.Knowledge about it
and how to treat it's physical manifestation means that the social and psychological problems can be treated as well.
read more “Adult Acne Information”

Acne and adolescence

Most of us believe that acne is for is for teenagers. That is true to a large extent
because the hormonal changes during teenage causes acne. But acne does occur in adults and sometimes it is severe. Find out more about it so that you can prevent it.

Acne in adults- causes

Sometimes many adults who have no acne in their earlier years get acne. It is as if since acne had spared them during adolescence
it comes during the adult years. Hormonal changes during adulthood may cause more sebum production and resultant acne. The hormonal changes may be due to pregnancy in women
birth control pills etc. Some athletes and others take anabolic steroids to build their body. That can cause adult acne. Medicines such as lithium
medications for tuberculosis etc. can also cause adult acne. You will need to talk to your doctor and find out if any medicine is the cause.

Acne Mechanica

If you carry some object
or wear very tight clothing of synthetic material in such a way that causes pressure and friction on the same place for long
you may get acne during adult years.


Working with chlorinated solvents can cause acne. It is called chloraacne.

Acne in adults- treatment

Adult acne is more difficult to treat than the acne that occurs during adolescent years. Please follow your doctors prescription regularly and get rid of adult acne
otherwise it will not only affect you psychologically but also cause life long scars.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Adult Acne- Causes Of Adult Acne”

What are the reasons that more and more adults are suffering from acne?

That’s probably related to the more varied and volatile hormone changes that accompany the adult physiology and lifestyle. Also
subtle early pre-menopausal changes in estrogen and testosterone may contribute.

Women are subject to more stress than perhaps at any other time in history. There are more concrete demands and more mixed messages demanding personal and professional perfection. The price is often physical and emotional exhaustion and emotional stress. How is it possible for the skin to not respond badly as well?

The final basic “cause” of adult acne is the same
abnormal response of the follicle lining cells to androgens. However
there are many more potential and identifiable causes in women
i.e. hormone medications
personal care

The following regimen is one which is typically recommended to varying degrees of adult acne:

- Non-comedogenic soaps
etc. Many skin cleansers
etc. actually leave residues which block pores
and can make acne worse. The products which are used should state that they do not exacerbate acne. Some have recommended a very inexpensive
topical antibiotic. Placing 1 tsp. of essence of lemon oil (found at supermarkets) in to 4 ounces (120 cc) of liquid soap. This is used for cleansing the skin - essence of lemon has antibacterial properties.

- Topical antibiotics: several antibiotics (esp. tetracycline types
etc..) are prescribed for adult acne twice daily. They usually come in a "roll-on" type bottle.

- Topical Vitamin-A acid (e.g.. Retin-A): cause peeling of the superficial layer of the skin to lessen new comedone formation. Quite effective. Face gets "raw" if use to much. Must use a sunscreen. Takes 4-6 weeks of consistent use to attain benefit.

- Facial cleansing: people with adult acne usually have very clean skin because attention they give to this area.

- UV light therapy: should be done with great care and under the supervision of a dermatologist.

- Oral antibiotics: tetracylines or erythromycin are most commonly given by mouth for moderate to severe acne in adult. More expensive antibiotics are not necessarily any better than plain tetracycline. Tetracyclines work very well
however because they can discolor new bone formation
they are contra-indicated in youth who have not completed their permanent teeth
as well as pregnant and nursing females.

- Isotretinoin (Accutane) is indicated in only the severest adult acne cases. It is highly effective at reducing sebum production
comedone formation
etc. However
it can cause severe birth defects if taken while pregnant and runs the risk of toxicity
requiring certain laboratory monitoring prior to and during therapy. It usually needs to be taken for at least 20 weeks. All other adult acne therapy is stopped while on isotretinoin.

In general
it’s not how you wash
what you eat
what you drink
or impure thoughts. The over-the-counter
and internet “miracle cures” are too good to be true. REALLY. You need real therapy that can clear your skin.
read more “Adult Acne - Frustrating Problem With No Easy Answers”

What causes this condition that seems to chip away at the very foundations of self esteem with an almost malevolent intent? The myth is that once teenagers cross the threshold from adolescence into adulthood
the anguish caused by acne will be permanently left behind. The reality is that there is no guarantee that adulthood will offer the safe
acne-free haven that so many teens long for. Statistics indicate that 25% of the male population is plagued at some point by adult acne
while 50% of females will similarly find themselves contending with the condition as adults.

It seems that no one is exempt. Infant acne can appear on the faces babies who are only three or four weeks old
or even on the faces of newborns. Since so many are afflicted - adult and child alike - there's an obvious need for real information on acne skin care that cuts through all the myths and separates fact from fiction.

Let’s begin at the beginning.

Sebum is the natural oil produced by the skin's sebaceous glands. For reasons that aren't fully understood
the pores of the skin can become plugged with sebum
and once plugged
bacteria and dead cells can become trapped in the pores
resulting in the lesions common to acne. Acne can be defined as a condition describing blocked skin pores that result in lesions.

The most common lesions are called comedones. There are two basic varieties of comedones: ‘white heads’ and ‘black heads’. A white head is an occluded pore that has begun to bulge outward from the skin due to dead skin cells
and other contaminants that have become trapped inside. This bulging dome shape often assumes a white appearance. Black heads are simply comedones that have opened
exposing the dark follicle mass inside. Acne comedones are often referred to colloquially as "zits" or "pimples."

Microcomedones are a less common form of acne lesion
sometimes referred to as papules. These are basically small comedones that form from localized cellular reactions to the processes that cause acne. They usually occur in clusters and are sometimes too small to see. They can be felt as a series of little bumps along the skin surface.

In more severe forms of acne
pustules and nodules and can form.

A pustule is like a normal comedone
but larger due to a higher amount of dead white cells
or pus
trapped inside the plugged sebaceous follicle.

Nodules are a more severe form of papules
extending deeper into the skin tissue and resulting in large raised legions that are usually inflamed and painful to touch.

cysts are very large fluid filled sacs that can result from pustules or nodules.

Though none of these forms of acne are dangerous or life threatening
they can leave scars and are sometimes very disfiguring.

What causes acne? This is a question that scientists and doctors still haven’t been able to completely agree upon. Today
most theories seem to point to a combination of factors that include genetics
hormone changes
and stress. For years it was thought that diet was a strong component to acne
but most evidence today suggests that hormones and stress are more likely to be the culprits.

Almost everyone will have some form of acne in their lives. Most people suffer from outbreaks of acne during their teenage years. These outbreaks are associated with hormone changes that occur during puberty. It is equally common to men and women
and usually outbreaks appear on the face. However
acne can strike at any stage in adult life
and outbreaks can appear not only on the face
but on the back
arms and legs.

The good news is that the situation regarding acne and acne skin care is by no means hopeless. Acne treatment exists. And while it might not be realistic to expect some sort of magical acne cure
there are ways to effectively tackle the problem. Once you can find easy to implement acne tips and information at websites like
there's a good possibility you'll be able to minimize your breakouts or avoid them altogether.
read more “Adult Acne - Causes and Cures”

Adult Acne is not something to feel embarrassed about. Though the general notion is that acne and pimple outbreaks are for prepubertal and teenaged populations
adult acne is not unusual. A majority of adults
who were lucky to be 'acne free' during their teenage years and who saw the desperation of their peers trying to combat acne
feel mortified when they find that just when they assumed they were free of acne for ever
they have become afflicted by adult acne.

Most of the adults are confused and embarrassed. They wonder
isn't acne an adolescent problem? But the truth remains that adult acne is more widespread than imagined. Statistics show that in the United States alone
nearly 40% of all acne cure products are purchased and used by adult acne sufferers.

What is the reason behind adult acne? Well. It is not one but many. However
the most universally attributed cause
that of bad personal hygiene
is a myth. Nearly all acne cases even adult acne
are a direct consequence of blocked pores on the skin or hormonal imbalances. Faulty closing of facial hair ducts or infection of the oil glands are a probable cause of adult acne.

The good news is that acne can be cured to a greater or lesser degree. The bad news is that most adults
in their zeal to overcome the embarrassment of an adult acne outbreak
try the first remedy they can lay their hands on from their neighborhood drugstore. Little do they think that this could do more harm than good to their acne problem. The remedies found over the counter cater to acne problems of the majority of the younger populations. These medications and remedies might not have the potency or the capacity to deal with adult acne because the reasons of which may vary to a great degree.

Adult acne demands tougher remedies despite the fact that adult acne is no different from regular acne. So what should be the first step to cure adult acne? A good idea is to consult the dermatologist to determine the underlying cause of what caused adult acne. The next step after the diagnosis is done is to use simple prescription drugs to eradicate the acne problem forever.

there is one important piece of advice. All adult acne sufferers need not be embarrassed about their problem. Like I stated above
adult acne is commoner than imagined. So which option do you feel is better? To make that one visit to the dermatologist to do away with your acne problem or to spend a fortune at the local pharmacist in trying to find the elixir for acne in addition to the fear and worry that comes with it? Think about it. The choice is yours.
read more “Adult Acne Nothing To Be Embarrassed About”

Acne is common in teenage and during pregnancy
when it occurs on adults it is a very stressful situation for them
as the society does not approve acne or adults. Some adults feel so embarrassed that they want to hide acne from other people’s sight. Studies have shown some growing evidence on acne
that it can be a hereditary disease too apart from occurring due to hormonal imbalances. It is due to oil production and mismanagement of dead cells exfoliation. Acne lesions in adults are normally seen on the face
but might also occur anytime on the chest
upper arms and even shoulders. Adult acne is very persistent when compared to teen acne
as acne seen in teens subsides over time when the hormones get adjusted. Another major drawback of adult acne is that it leads to permanent scarring.

Key Factors That Contribute to adult acne:

Hormones are considered as the main culprit and mainly cause skin eruptions or outbreak of acne. But
has anyone thought about the organs that produce the hormones? The actual fact is that the kidneys
liver and skin are the important organs involved in eliminating impurities and waste particles from the body
if anyone of the organs does not work properly and does not eliminate waste out the body
it might result in acne in adults. Acne or the skin eruption is the first symptom of failure these organs are facing. To facilitate the elimination of waste from body water is very important
when water is taken in good quantities the bowels are cleared and the blood too gets rid of its toxic elements. If water content decreases the skin might not do its function of eliminating wastes
or the lungs might not be able to oxygenize the blood due to the impurities of air is breathed and retained in it. Hence
the factors for acne may be air
emotional stress
water etc.

Natural adult acne treatments:

The wastes from the body should be eliminated properly to facilitate it the person should be exposed to pure air
natural food habits and
foods rich in antioxidants. A natural face wash made up of clean
warm water with lemon juice can be used to pamper the skin. The lemon has the ability to reduce oil from the skin
hence minimizing acne in adults. Fiber rich food helps in the removal of toxins and wastes from the body by facilitating the bowel movements. Also when using cosmetic products
care needs to be taken not to use oil-based cosmetics.
read more “Adult Acne How To Deal With It”

Acne- the causes of acne formation

The main cause of acne formation is excess sebum production. The sebum is produced by sebaceous glands that are attached to hair follicles. This sebum protects our skin from infection and dryness. During young years hormones bring about many changes in the body. These hormones activate the sebaceous glands to produce more of sebum.

Sebaceous glands and acne-

Imagine of a balloon. If you keep it filling
it will expand and then burst. Something similar happens to the sebaceous glands. The hormonal activity also blocks the pores that allow sebum to come out on the skin surface. So you now have a gland that is blocked from the top and filled with sebum. The bacteria P.acnes takes advantage of this and multiplies in the sebum and infects it. You get inflamed acne as the gland bursts under pressure. As the hormones are at peak during the adolescent years
acne forms most during this period. A young person can develop many types of acne.

Acne- effect on adolescents

Acne spots affect the psychology of the young people. They suffer in confidence and are doubtful about developing relationships. It is important that adolescents be guided properly about their acne and treated as soon as possible.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Acne- Why It Forms More During Adolescence”

Acne Vulgaris-

We all know of common acne that is called acne vulgaris. But there are severe forms of acne that have different names. They are difficult to treat and cause lot of mental agony and skin scars. Let us find out something about the severe forms of acne.

Acne Conglobata-

If acne vulgaris suddenly flares up and instead of settling down begins forming more inflammation and nodules with deep cysts that infect the deep insides it is called Acne Conglobata. You will find many body parts full of blackhead sin this and a nodule with surrounding comedones. The nodules get infected
and after treatment leave scars. This form of acne cannot be treated with OTC medication. You must approach a doctor and get it treated.

Acne Fulminans-

This acne type generally follows untreated acne conglobata. This causes fever and forms deeper abscesses. Doctors may use steroids and other anti-inflammatory agents to treat this condition.

Gram Negative Folliculitis-

This is not acne
but inflammation of the hair follicle. It causes pustules around the hair follicle and may even form boils around them. This is treated with antibiotics. Isotretinoin is commonly used for all severe forms of acne with other medications.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Acne- When It Becomes Severe”

In this article I will discuss what this site is all about and what it has to offer. is the internet's superior guide to getting rid of acne! Here you'll find top-quality information on what acne is
different types of acne and how to effectively treat it so that it never bothers you again!

The site helps you by providing reviews and guides in order to choose the right skin care products that would make your skin look healthy and youthful.

ACNE is a common inflammatory disease of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands characterized by blackheads
nodules and
in the more severe forms
by cysts and scarring. The lesions appear on the face
and arms.

There are several types of acne
including tropical acne
a condition of light-skinned people who are exposed to unaccustomed heat and humidity
and chloracne
a form resulting from exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons. Washing the skin removes surface oils and can prevent acne from spreading. The contents of blackheads and pustular lesions should be evacuated only by a physician under proper aseptic conditions to lessen the possibility of scarring.

acne hits young people at a time when they most want to look their best ? acne can make you feel embarrassed and feel bad about yourself.
Parents and older people might tell you that pimples are a part of growing up
and that you just shouldn't worry about them
but if your acne or pimples are making you miserable
you should seek treatments that can help a lot.

The site is well designed and it is very easy to find the information that you are looking for. As the name suggests
the site primarily talk about acne and provides free advice and information.

The site provides a detailed background on what acne is and how to treat it. It also clears some of the misconceptions that are out there about acne. It has a section called ‘Tips’ that provides invaluable tips on acne dos and don’ts.

The section that is very valuable is the ‘Top Products’ section. Here the site provides unbiased reviews of leading acne products. It reviews Acuzine
ClearPores and a few other very popular acne treatments that are available today.

This site does not accept sponsors and that can be a little assuring since you know the site is not trying to sell you anything.

People who are suffering from acne must visit the site and reap many benefits that it has to offer.
read more “Acne Website Review”

Acne vulgaris is commonly referred to as just acne. From the start of the teenage years
almost everyone will suffer from some form of acne. It is ain inflammation of the skin that causes irritated sores
commonly on the face. This can lead to low self-esteem
and depression so it is important to treat it and take care of your skin.

The cause of acne vulgaris can be due to a number of different factors. Stress
and pore-blocking dead skin and oil are some of the most common reasons that people develop acne. It is also an inherited characteristic that you could get from your parents.

Stress changes the level of hormones and neuro-active substances that cause acne. A way to treat this type of break-out is to take some time to relax and de-stress your mind by exercising or writing. Find something that you enjoy doing and practice it when you are feeling particularly stressed over something

Hormone changes that occur during the teenage years can trigger acne vulgaris to flare up. This production of hormones is referred to as androgens. They stimulate oil glands to over-produce and contribute to developing blemishes.

It is a common misconception that all acne is the result of being unclean. If this was true
most people would not ever have to deal with acne. When natural skin oil is combined with normal skin bacteria and dead skin cells
the dead skin gets forced to the surface. The greater the amount of oil that is produced
the better the chance it as of clogging your pores. Clogged pores are where bacteria feed to produce inflammation
which results in pimples. Washing your face cannot treat a condition that develops primarily under the skin.

The effects of having acne vulgaris can be long-term if untreated. If the condition is severe
there is a chance for permanent scars to form. Most teenagers have trouble dealing with the way they feel when they have break-outs. Social situations are avoided at all costs to prevent the embarrassment of a flawed appearance. Some people go as far as missing school because of the appearance of acne vulgaris. Severe depression could also result from unhappiness with the appearance of their skin. Self-esteem and self-worth seem to diminish completely unless their skin is absolutely flawless. There is not a guaranteed cure for these feelings
getting an effective acne treatment could eliminate appearance from being the cause of it.

Treatment for acne vulgaris is as simple as finding which medicine works best for you. Severe acne is usually treated by a dermatologist who will prescribe a medication specific to your needs. If the acne is less severe or occasional
an over-the-counter solution could be best for you. There are all types of factors that contribute to the development of blemishes so when picking out the right medicine
consider the specificity of your skin. If you notice that your skin is especially oily
then be sure that you use something that will target the oil. Blackheads and whiteheads are also a target area of some treatments available. To get the best result
experiment in finding what is best for what you need.
read more “Acne Vulgaris - The Whole Truth”

AHAs- what are they?

AHAs or Alpha Hydroxy Acids are available in many formulations. You get them both as OTC products and as prescription strength formulations. If you are prone to regular outbreak of acne
it is time for you to think using AHAs regularly to prevent them. Let us discuss why I think AHAs may work as preventives.

Acne and pore block-

One of the main reasons of acne formation is blockage of the pore. If the pore remains open
acne would not form because excess sebum will go out on the skin and get washed away. The blocked pore allows sebum accumulation and inflammation.

AHAs and pores-

AHAs are acidic molecules commonly found in milk
sugarcane juice and many other natural products. These acids perform a very important function on the skin. They dissolve the cement that holds the dead skin cells together and remove the dead cells from the skin surface. While doing this
they open the pores. If you use AHAs everyday
your skin gets very little opportunity to get blocked. Please talk to your doctor and find out if you should use them and if yes
what strength. Your skin type will be important to consider. Please consult your doctor about AHAs.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Acne- Use AHAs Regularly To Stop Acne Formation”

Acne / Birth Control Pill

For some female patients
treatment-resistant acne is caused by excessive production of hormones called androgens. With extra androgens in your system
your oil-producing glands go into high gear ญ— and so does your acne. Several clues can help your doctor identify acne that may be influenced by hormones: acne that appears in adults for the first time; acne flare-ups preceding the menstrual cycle; irregular menstrual cycles; hirsutism (excessive growth of hair or hair in unusual places); and elevated levels of certain androgens in the blood stream.

Adult women and teenage girls whose acne has resisted treatment with antibiotics or topical retinoids may be candidates for hormonal therapy. Once a patient’s acne is identified as hormonally influenced
the doctor will be able to prescribe a number of different therapies
or perhaps a combination of several different drugs; "combination therapy" is often the best approach to this kind of acne. Following are a few common components of therapy for hormonal acne
but remember to consult your doctor before using any of the remedies listed here.

Acne / Birth Control Pill - Oral contraceptives. Birth-control pills (a combination of estrogen and progestin taken orally) are often prescribed for hormonal acne. Low doses of estrogen help suppress the androgens produced by the ovaries
and the newer progestin agents
including desogestrel and norgestimate
are less androgenic than those found in older formulations. While only Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Estro-Step are currently approved by the FDA for this indication
experts agree that low-dose contraceptives improve acne regardless of which formula is used. Consult your gynecologist to find the formula that’s right for you. While side effects are uncommon
some women may experience brownish blotches
or melasma (hyperpigmentation) on the skin. These can be treated with topical bleaching agents.

Acne / Birth Control Pill - Anti-androgens. In combination with oral contraceptives
doctors also may prescribe an anti-androgen ; these drugs inhibit androgen production in the ovaries and adrenal glands and help prevent existing androgens from causing excessive oil production. Spironolactone
a high blood pressure medicine with anti-androgenic properties
has proven quite effective in the treatment of acne. Side effects may include breast tenderness
menstrual irregularities (in women not using oral contraceptives)
headache and fatigue; since it's also a diuretic
you may experience frequent urination as well.

NOTE: Spiranolactone is tetrogenic and can cause feminization of a male fetus. If you are sexually active and not taking “the pill
” it’s imperative that you use another form of birth control.

Acne / Birth Control Pill - Corticosteroids. Small doses of corticosteroids
like prednisone or dexamethasone
may curb inflammation and suppress the androgens produced by the adrenal glands. Keep in mind that in some acne sufferers
corticosteroids may actually aggravate acne; they’re most effective when used in combination with oral contraceptives.

In conclusion
if you think your acne is hormonally induced
see your doctor right away. While this kind of acne requires a different course of treatment
it is highly treatable. More about your hormones.

For patients who suffer from moderate to severe acne
doctors may prescribe a combination of topical remedies and oral antibiotics. The most common oral medications used to treat acne are tetracycline
doxycycline and erythromycin.

Antibiotics for Acne - HOW THEY WORK

Like Benzoyl Peroxide
antibiotics control breakouts by curbing the body’s production of
P. acnes
the bacteria that causes acne
and decreasing inflammation. This process may take several weeks or months
so be patient. And remember
you’re not “cured” just because your breakouts have subsided. That’s the medicine doing its job — so if you stop taking it
your acne will probably come back. Likewise
doubling up on your medication won’t make your skin clear up twice as fast. Using your topical antibiotics more frequently than prescribed may actually induce greater follicular irritation and plugging
which slows clearing time. And taking your oral medications more often than prescribed won’t help your skin clear faster — but it will increase your chance of experiencing unpleasant side effects.

Antibiotics for Acne - WHERE TO GET THEM

If you have moderate to severe acne
consult your dermatologist; he or she will discuss your options and help you make the best choice. Once you’ve begun treatment
give it time to start working. Keep your doctor apprised of your progress
so he or she can make changes to the course of treatment if necessary. And again
don’t stop using your medication when your skin clears — let your doctor make that call.

Antibiotics for Acne - COMMON SIDE EFFECTS

With most of the antibiotics used to treat acne
side effects may include photosensitivity (higher risk of sunburn)
upset stomach
dizziness or lightheadedness
lupus-like symptoms and skin discoloration. Some women report a higher incidence of vaginal yeast infection while taking antibiotics; these can usually be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medication or a prescription antifungal
such as diflucan. Tetracycline is not given to pregnant women or children under 12 years of age because it can discolor developing teeth. Lastly (and least common)
because doxycycline is also the treatment of choice for Lyme disease
there is the theoretical possibility that a patient who takes this medication for a long period of time would build a resistance
and therefore be unable to fight Lyme.
read more “Acne Treatments with the Use of Birth Control Pills and Antibiotics”

Acne grows in stages. If we allow acne to grow up to the third stage
it may burst and also leave permanent scars. To understand how acne may be stopped to grow up to second or third stage
it is important to know more about the later stages of acne.

Blackheads and whiteheads are first stages of acne. In the later stages they break out as papule
nodule and cyst. Let us find out more about them.

What is a papule - a papule is a slightly elevated lesion that is solid. Papules are generally less than 5 mm in diameter.

What is a pustule- pustules are filled with pus that contains dead skin cells
white blood cells and bacteria. Pustules are fragile and can easily break. Pustules are dome shaped and contain a hair in the center when they form over a sebaceous hair follicle. Pustules can progress to cyst.

What is a Nodule- a nodule is an inflamed lesion that extends to deeper layers of skin. A nodule looks like a papule and is dome shaped like a papule. Nodules can cause scarring as they damage the inner tissues of the skin.

What is a cyst- a cyst is severe form of acne that is filled with bacteria
white blood cells and dead skin. Cysts can be very painful and extend inside the skin damaging the skin tissue. Any acne that damages the skin tissue deep inside can form scars.

For the above forms of acne
it is always better that you consult a dermatologist and get treated not only to cure the acne quickly but also stop scarring as much as possible. Please remember that acne may get healed but scars always remain for the lifetime. It is better to get cured at an early stage to prevent inflammation and stop scarring.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Acne Treatments- Cures For Second and Third Stages Of Acne”

Here are arguably the top nine acne treatments ...

Most people want to get rid of acne forever
and never be bothered with zits and blackheads again. The problem can be embarrassing and hard to control
especially among teenagers
who almost always suffer from some sort of acne. Acne is a part of adolescence and cannot be gotten rid of entirely
but it can be controlled and the effects lessened.

Here are the top nine acne treatments :

1. First
while the old myth that fried foods and chocolate has been disproved
eating right and having good nutrition helps the body and strengthens the immune system
so proper diet is still recommended. Eating whole grains
lean meats
fruits and only limited dairy products can help. Also made sure that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. It might be necessary take a good quality vitamin supplement. Along with a healthy diet
getting plenty of exercise will go a long way to good health in general and a healthy immune system. Moderate amounts of exercise three times a week will improve health. Avoiding smoking
alcohol and dangerous drugs is a given.

2. Next
it is important to practice proper hygiene. There is an old myth that says acne comes from bad hygiene
and that is not true
but acne will certainly take advantage of chances to grow. One of the causes of acne is a bacterium on and under the skin. Moderate washing will help. Also exfoliating with a mild over the counter exfoliate helps many people.

3. Next
take a look at the topical antibiotics and antibacterial agents available in many of the over the counter medications and washes sold to help acne. The good ones may contain Benzoyl peroxide
the most common acne treatment available without a doctor’s prescription. It kills the bacteria and the pimples do not develop a resistance to the medication. For this reason Benzoyl peroxide will not loose its effectiveness in fighting and killing bacteria. If using it
begin with a low concentration and work up. Be sure when you buy it that it is non-comedogenic
which means that the medication will not clog the pores. If you are into natural remedies
tea tree oil is a popular natural remedy that works the same way Benzoyl peroxide works
but is less irritating to the skin.

4. Another over the counter acne remedy that works and is popular is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid unplugs the pores and helps to get rid of dead skin cells
which attract bacteria and make acne worse. There are many good over the counter remedies available that contain salicylic acid and it is good to use it in conjunction with Benzoyl peroxide. The two make a good two-fisted team.

5. Sulfur works in many ways like Benzoyl peroxide. It is not as widely used
it is believed to be not quite as effective. However
if for some reason you cannot use tea tree oil or Benzoyl peroxide
the by all means give sulfur a try.

6. Glycolic acid is another ingredient that works. It gets rid of dead skin and it stimulates the production of new cells
which many believe will help unclog pores.

7. Light therapy and acupuncture are two natural remedies that have their fans. Acupuncture also usually involves changing diet and lifestyle and according to the practitioners who use it can cure the root causes of acne. Light therapy is expensive
but for many very helpful. It involves treatments of light in wavelength that many believe kills bacteria
and if it doesn’t work
at least does no harm because light at the wavelength used is not harmful to skin.

8. If the above remedies are not making a visible difference
visiting a doctor can result in prescriptions for antibiotics that are known to be effective. Erythromycin
Sodium Sulfacetamide
and aazelic acid cream all work for many people. Tetracycline and the related cycline drugs also kill the bacteria when taken orally and help many.

9. Still the best cure for acne is simply age. Most people outgrow acne when they get through puberty and get into their early twenties. For some it sticks around a little longer
but with adulthood it usually goes away. But the good nutrition and hygiene habits you gain in fighting acne will stay with you and benefit you for a lifetime.

Of course
it is always best to see your family doctor to get their opinion. If necessary
they'll refer you to a Dermatologist who will be able to help you.
read more “Acne Treatments - Top Nine Remedies”